Chapter 81

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Arrived at home she quickly went upstairs once she found Michael and Sara doing homework with twins at the table with them in their mobile beds 

Arrived upstairs she took a shower, got dressed again and lay down on the bed checking her emails to see if her manger had mailed her a new script yet since she would go back to the set after the wedding until Michael joined her and sat down next to her 

"No hi I'm back anymore? " he asked her

"Because I don't want a how was your workout with your lover" Dana scoffed

"Is it that strange to think that? You know that dude longer than me and lately you see him than you see me" Michael answered

"I already told you Trevor is married! " Dana snapped 

"I'd almost think you're still pregnant but I know that's not possible" Michael replied "Or is it? No wonder those work out sessions take longer each day" He scoffed

"Ugh tell me again why the heck did I think I loved you? " Dana said shaking her head at him

"Says you? Who dealt with all YOUR pregnancy hormones, crazier than crazy cravings and so on?" Michael began "Oh I know, that was ME! " He reminded her

"If you only be a bitch to me just leave!" Dana snapped at him

"Actually I came here to ask you something but clearly you're not in the mood to talk, call me when you are able to talk, because I'm out of the house the next few hours, but I'll call your sister to babysit" Michael told her and got up from the bed

"No wait! " Dana sniffed "I- please sit down with me" She cried

"Why are you crying?" Michael asked joining her on the bed again "Where's that tough girl from a few minutes ago? " He sighed

"She's still here" Dana answered "But she's sad" She sighed

"And why's that?" Michael asked 

"She's jealous of her own daughter because that little girl knows her daddy but I don't" Dana sniffed with tears in her eyes that she tried to fight "Patetic right?" She asked no longer able to fight her tears 

"Oh come here" Michael said and wrapped his arms around her "Why didn't you say that before? " He asked wiping her tears

"I didn't know I missed him until I saw how Kathy lo- loves you" Dana cried uncontrobally "I used to hate him f- for leav-ing us but now I want him in my l- li- life" She sobbed

"Sshhh, how about trying to find him? " Michael suggested while comforting her and wiped all her tears

"I already tried that" Dana sniffed and put her head on his shoulder while he held her close 

"Maybe we can try again" Michael suggested

"Like putting an ad online, with who's my father? Did you forget who I am? " Dana asked him

"No, more like a private detective or so" Michael answered "And of course I know who you are, you're my wife and mother of my babies" He smiled at her 

"Well before that I was an actress, I still am" Dana answered

"For real? I didn't know I married an actress" Michael joked and smiled at her 

"Surprise" Dana smiled at him 

"See there's that lovely smile of yours" Michael smiled at her  

"Says mister perfect smile" Dana smiled at him 

"If you say so" Michael replied "But as much as I hate to leave right now, I really need to go, I can't keep delaying that meeting anymore" He sighed

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