Tyron didn't allow Momo's counterattack to succeed.

Just as Momo was jumping in mid-air, Tyron had turned at a sharp angle at a speed that everyone found inconceivable and followed it up with another flash--

He was already by Momo's side even before the other party landed.

The bullets he'd taken hadn't been so much because he had had no choice but to bear with the attack, but rather because he'd chosen not to dodge in order to deal with the enemy as quickly as possible.

His movement speed in mid-air was much faster than Momo's. In the moment when Momo was about to land, a series of unexpected attacks had already chased up towards his figure!

Male commentator: "Six-hit combo! Compared with beautiful, flashy operations, solid action at key moments is the real proof for experience level and timing!"

The female commentator had no time to deal with the pain on her face from having had her face slapped and said, "Momo's health has been cut in half! He still has a chance to fight back! He's taken out his handgun, has he decided to use his handgun's explosive power to fight back in close quarters?!"


In the previous round, Momo's sniper scope had been rendered useless by Shadow Dance. In this round, he no longer used the sniper rifle that needed a certain amount of time to aim. Instead, he'd chosen to use a melee player's handgun in order to make use of a rarely seen technique--a bullet-changing technique.

The action of changing ammunition could be divided into three steps: extracting the magazine, removing the ammunition, and loading it back in. Two of the three steps could actually be connected with melee attacks!

This set of techniques often left players who weren't familiar with gun-loading skills unable to defend against it. At the same time, it allowed players to fire off a shot after performing the set of actions.

At this moment, Momo's handgun was still even and steady as it faced the tip of Tyron's blade. It suddenly knocked against the side of the blade--

A clip of bullets slipped out of the handgun after the impact.

The handgun itself continued with its melee attacks.

However, it was also at this moment!

Tyron's dagger flew out of his hand. While it was still flying in mid-air, the cold light reflected from the flat of the blade blinded Momo's pupils.

Tyron had directly thrown out his dagger, Deep Silence!

After that, his hands flashed lightning quick as they ignored the empty handgun and directly grasped the new clip of bullets that Momo had just ejected!

This clip of bullets failed to reach the handgun. Instead, it fell into the assassin's hands and seemed to have turned into a nimble creature, flipping back and forth at his fingertips and even gently flicking up a bullet--

As the black bullet clip bounced back into the air, it covered Momo's sight for just a moment. In that precise instant, Tyron pulled Deep Silence back from mid-air, following with a Shadow Dance that flickered by and was gone in the twinkling of an eye.

Critical attack!


Momo's health had already fallen to a critical low!

He hadn't been able to catch Tyron's figure at all after the Shadow Dance, but after he caught the clip of bullets again, he tried to make up for the mistake as fast as he could and reloaded his gun before turning around and shooting blind--

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