Tyron took away the last trace of the sniper's health with two elegant consecutive swings.


At the end of the first match, Odin won, and the score was 1:0.

The two icebergs left the arena and didn't show any intention to speak. The host standing in the middle between them felt so awkward that she wanted to cry.

The audience all comforted her and said, "We're already used to it 233333, if the War God actually pays attention to us someday, it'll definitely be the end of the world..."

"It's not a big deal! Just think of yourself as being sandwiched between two martial arts legends and have fun!"

"Don't look at how cold Momo is on the surface. In fact, he's shy..."

"Oh, Sister Mo is here!!!"

The lens director cut the camera to 'Sister Mo', and they immediately saw Momo talking to his wife on the big screen.

The cold-faced sniper's wife had come up to check on him after he left the stage, delivering tea and hot water. She waved when she saw herself on the screen, then happily tugged on Momo.

Momo didn't look too happy, but he still lowered his head slightly.

Sister Mo gave him a big kiss.

Yes, in front of countless tens of thousands of people in the audience, the tens of millions of people watching the live broadcast, and the unknown number of people who would watch the stream in the future, she not only gave the sniper a kiss but also left a smear of red.

Everyone: "......"

Public screen: "My god my god my god... I didn't have time to guard against chilly dog food, and it slapped me in the face!"

"Someone come and bring over our dog food! The interstellar limited edition one that was purchased just now!"

"Burn, burn, burn, burn..."


Originally, it wasn't a big deal to have a public display of love, but they unexpectedly had a very bad director.

He gestured at the camera, and Odin's relatives area appeared on the big screen--

It was completely empty. Little Vic wasn't there.

The camera then swung towards Odin, who had just stepped down from the stage.

Odin looked expressionlessly over at Momo's side, then walked away indifferently.

The public screen was also full of whispers, "What is the meaning of this camera perspective? My War God is a real iceberg. Does he need your show of love?"

"Odin is such an amazing male god yet he's still single. I'm temporarily not in a hurry either anymore."

"No, do you remember the legal representative who was sitting there before? I thought that the War God and the representative had made it official..."

"The War God's hand speed is so fast that I bet he'll be single for at least a hundred years!"

The audience was still guessing at the War God's emotional life.

Several of the people who worked in the media knew Victor. After all, there was a lot of news about him in the circle.

The director was now thinking: Hey! You've abused others for so long. Now it's time for you to be abused back... Good and evil will get their just rewards in the end!

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