"What? Tracy hurt her? That girl is getting on my nerves." She grits her teeth.

She does care about Sam.

"No Tracy didn't hurt her, I did."

"You? But what did you do?"

"I came in-between them." My voice low. I feel horrible, for both friends. I did try to avoid this.

"Then go make it right, go make Sam feel okay."

I nod.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" She shouts, gesturing towards the door.

I stand up and pick a sweatshirt, and run out.

I drive to her house, and Gina tells me she isn't back yet  —this makes me worried.

I decide to go to Tracy's. I get to her house and ring the doorbell, and a tall lanky-man —who I suppose is Tracy's dad, opens the door.

"Can I help you?" He asks.

"Um, I'm here to see Tracy, is she home?"

"And who are you?" His tone is strict.

I sight Tracy crying on a lady's shoulder, through the open space.
"Morgan," I tell him.

He presses his lips and slowly nods.

"Come in." He opens the door wide, and I get in.

Tracy sees me and stands up, also with the brown-skin lady.

"You must be Morgan," the lady says.

"Come, Tami, let's give them the room," the man says, wrapping his hands on her shoulders.

As they are out of sight, "Tracy, I'm sorry." I say quickly.

"Are you really?" Her voice cracks.

"Yes I am, I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Well I'm hurt, and that's because I really love you. I would come home every day and tell my parents about this amazing guy you are. I taught you were mine," she says. Her face streaks with tears.

She's really hurt. She takes me seriously.

"You were happy and Sam insisted we keep it a secret until we know you'd be okay with it." My voice practically pleading.

"Sam...she's such a devil, I regret every moment I called her my friend." Anger mixed with pains, I have a great idea of what that feels like.

"She cares about you." 

I hope I haven't destroyed their friendship completely.

"No, she doesn't. Morgan why? Is it that I'm not pretty enough? I'm...not good enough?"

"Tracy, that's not it..."

"Then why not me? Why Sam?"

It's a question I still don't know the answer to.

She comes closer to me and places her hands on both sides of my face.
"I...l love you, Morgan, I so much love you," she says as brushes her lips to mine. I almost respond, but I can't, it's wrong for me to.
I push away as I take her hands off my face.

"I'm sorry, I'm in love with Sam."  Her tears drop even more. I can't watch a girl cry because of me. I go out and Zoom off.

I go back home. After dinner, I go to my room. I try calling Sam, but it keeps going to voicemail.

"Hey, I'm worried. Just want to know where you are, and um...I'm sorry." I send a voicemail.

The buzzing sound of my phone wakes me up. I pick up my phone on the floor close to the bed, before sitting up. I answer the caller.

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