Cardinal was a little apprehensive, thinking to himself: Why was it a frontal attack map&#k2026;

He had just finished memorizing the layout of the entire train when the countdown ended.

The match began.

Cardinal instantly entered stealth without saying a word.

Commentator: "As an assassin famous for sneak kills, it seems that Cardinal has no intention of changing his tactics when faced with his peer. Let's take a look at the other contestant... huh?"

In contrast to Cardinal, let alone stealthing, Tyron didn't even show the slightest intention of hiding.

After the match began, he started to walk calmly along the roof of the train. When he arrived at the second passenger carriage, he jumped down, kicking the door open with his long legs and landing steadily inside.

The carriages were much narrower than the roof. Most of the space was occupied with private rooms with seating while the corridor outside the private rooms was only wide enough for two people to pass by each other if their faces were practically stuck together.

Tyron came to a leisurely stop inside.

Cardinal was now in an awkward position--he was still in stealth. What was the most important thing about sneaking around? The element of surprise!

Tyron was playing the waiting game and waiting for his prey to send itself to him in such a narrow corridor. Cardinal could only attack him from two sides. Regardless of which side it was, he still felt that it was unlikely for him to be able to successfully launch a sneak attack against someone of Tyron's level...

However, the match still needed to be fought. The only difference was whether he would steel himself and admit defeat or steel himself to try and win.


Tyron's short sword hadn't yet come out of its sheath. Because the action of drawing the short sword itself could also cause massive damage, he would occasionally choose not to draw his short sword in advance during particularly short close-combat fights (especially during fights against other close-combat professions).

His left hand toyed with his dagger, tossing it from an upright grip to a backhand grip and flipping the sharp blade back and forth as though he didn't care that another assassin was currently trying to take his life at the moment.

In the third second after the match began, Tyron's gaze moved, landing suddenly on the narrow corridor in front of him.

A very faint, subtle sound emerged from that direction.

Beneath the hood, the corner of Tyron's lips raised up slightly, but he stood still and waited calmly, his dagger slowly moving down behind him.

Suddenly, there was a slight creak from the floorboards in the corridor in front of Tyron--

Almost at the same time, Tyron's dark, golden eyes disappeared under the shadow of his hood, and the dagger in his hand drew out a perfect arc of white light!

An opportunity!

Cardinal was overjoyed, and his figure abruptly appeared in a flash!

His figure wasn't in the corridor at all but rather outside of the carriage. He held onto the window with both hands as he waited quietly

A feint tactic... Precisely for the sake of diverting the enemy's attention.

At this time, he smashed against the carriage window's glass with his knee, his entire person appearing from his invisible state. Two daggers hurtled towards Tyron like vicious fangs!

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