To be honest, he'd already discovered after two days of comparison that: Rather than memorizing thousands of chants, gestures, and materials, the formula that Victor had created was indeed quite unique in some areas.

During the previous fight with the top mage-type contestant Geng Chen, Tyron became acutely aware of the fact that Geng Chen's ability to reconstruct spells so quickly must be supported by a formula that she was extremely familiar with using.

Compared to a genuine magic world, the magic here was much less profound; however, the magic here also benefited from one of the most powerful advantages: math and electronic support.

Now that he had already come to this place, of course he should learn the best knowledge that was available.

Tyron took the materials that Victor had prepared and looked over them closely as he ran. He also thought to himself: I hate math ˊ_>ˋ


On the other side, Victor woke up and wandered to the bathroom in his pajamas.

When he came out, he saw two heart-shaped fried eggs in the heat preservation dish on the table--every time he was left tired from the previous night, Tyron would give him a little symbolic compensation.

Tyron couldn't cook complicated modern food, but he was good at frying up two delicious tasting eggs.

Victor was incomparably happy as he finished up breakfast and suddenly felt that the bad things that had taken place in the hot springs could be forgiven.

He'd just changed his clothes and was preparing to go out for a run when he received an e-mail informing him that someone was visiting him in the virtual world and had already been waiting for a long time.


The communication came from the Earth District. Victor had originally thought that it was one of his partners from Vicker Company who wanted to report something.

But he soon realized that the person who'd come to find him wasn't anything good.

It was White Thousand Degrees.

After losing the case and losing his reputation, White Thousand Degrees had declared bankruptcy and disappeared for a while. Unexpectedly, he started looking desperately for Victor and Tyron a few months ago, but Tyron had still been undergoing surgery in the Third Star Province at the time and he naturally hadn't been able to find them. This time, the Second Star Province's provincial competition had begun, and White Thousand Degrees was finally able to locate Victor.

White Thousand Degrees gave Victor a shock when they finally met up in the virtual world.

He came up and knelt down immediately, saying, "I was confused when it came to the things that happened before. I'll accept any retaliation you take against me!"

Victor was very surprised, but he didn't act rashly. He thought that there must be a reason for White Thousand Degrees' sudden appearance and said, "It's already been half a year since the incident, but you're suddenly coming to apologize now. Who caused this?"

Of course White Thousand Degrees said that it was because he wanted to repent.

However, Victor already knew what was going on and asked, "It was Ms. June, wasn't it?"


Victor's mommy, Ms. June, had heard that his son was bullied. How could she let it go?!

She might openly sneer at her son at home, but she would still secretly take pains to investigate what had happened to him behind his back.

Mother Vic: You bullied my son, lost a lawsuit, and then wanted to run? What do you need your legs for if you aren't going to kneel on the ground? What do you need your mouth for if you aren't going to beg for forgiveness?

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