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Few Months Later

I'm finally focusing on my current relationship. Months have passed since Miss Alice got married and that was the reason enough to move on.

It's definitely not easy to let go of the person that you've loved the most. But, time is the best healer.

I still look back to all the memories of hers and mine but, not with tears this time, just all the happy memories. No matter how much painful it was in the end, but, I cannot deny the fact that she gave me some of the most beautiful memories of my life till now. And I definitely don't want to forget anything about her, about us. I want to remember everything till the end so, I've decided to do something.


"Hey Rachel !"


"Wassup Dodo."

"I was planning to
write a story."

"Ohhho. About what?"

"My story, mine and
Miss Alice's."


"Haha, yes I definitely
don't want to forget about
us so, I've planned to do so.
You know Wattpad, the very
popular platform for reading and
writing stories?"

"Definitely yes. It's fanfics
are just bop."

"Well, can't deny that.
I've decided to upload it there.
Writing down on papers,
it'll get lost, I just know.
But, on an online platform,
one can access it from anywhere."

"True. So, when are you
starting to write? I can't wait
to read it!"

"Soon. I've thought about
the first few chapters and
the title will be "Her"".

"Oh...that's nice.
I can't wait!"

"Hold your horses girl.
I'll soon let you read the
1st ch."


Few Days Later

I've written a few ch. of my story and also done some changes. The title "Her" is good but, not that heartfelt so, the title has been changed.

I send the first ch. to Rachel and soon,
I get her call.


"It's awsome Daisy!
When will you upload
the other chapters?"

"Hehe. Thanks.
I'll be uploading weekly
as I need time to write down
the ch. too. I'm trying to write
as true as possible but,
you must have noticed,
I'm not using the real names,
just the initials of the real names.
While writing the chapters,
I realised Rachel, I've so many
A's in my life! So many!"

I laughed at my discovery.

"Now, that you've mentioned
it, yes! God! There are four
people in our group of seven only
whose name starts with A."

"I literally have to google
for the names."

We both share a good laugh.

"You know, I'm over
my tantrums now.
I don't regret falling for her
once now, like I did when
I got to know that she's
finally seeing someone.
I'm over all those.
I've understood
that she was never
in a position to say
anything to me.
I'm thankful that
she didn't mentioned
anything about this
to my parents,
she could have,
but, she didn't.
Heck, it's even illegal
for a teacher and
student to be in a
But, still I cannot stop
expecting. I just have
one wish now, that
whenever I see her for
the last time, I can get
a tight hug from her,
as a teacher or as a person,
doesn't matter,
she'll be the one
giving it,
that's all that'll matter.
But, again,
it's just a wish
with no assurity
of being fulfilled."

"Hopeless you are Daisy."
Rachel joked.

"Every lover is."
I replied back.

"And yeah one more thing,
I decided to change the title
of the story. It's not "Her"

"It's good enough. Why
did you changed it?"

"Umm, can't explain exactly,
but, the title that I've decided
now, it's more heartfelt
and touching to me."

"Okk...what is it?"

"The title?It's...


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