Ch. 38 : Holding On

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29th February, 2020

12:30 A.M

I know I can never let go of her.
I know and I need her to know.
So, again, executing a crazy plan at mid- night.

After searching for long, I managed to find Miss Alice's IG account. I myself made a page where I upload my poems
( I've written quite a few now, most of them, ofcourse about her).

I don't know what got into me but, I need to show Miss Alice the poem that depicts my feelings right now. I know I can never say this directly to her so, now that I have found my way with words, so, I'll just give this a try.

The plan is simple. My page is named "Words to Express" and I've uploaded 6-7 poems. As an anynomonos user, I'll send the poem that I want to show her through my poem's page and simply ask her how the poem is. She'll read it hopefully and although she wouldn't know that it is me, but, atleast she'll read it. Simple.


It's already 1:00 A.M and I'm debating with myself whether I should send the poem to Miss Alice or not.

"Damn' it! Let's just send it. What will happen, will see afterwards."
And I DM the poem to Miss Alice.

The poem that I want to show her, the words that express what I feel right now are~

Holding On

I'm bad at letting go
So, I'm still holding on...

Knew from the beginning
that your love will go on
with...or without me.
Knew from the beginning
you'll be someone else's
and I'll not be that someone
for whom you'll care.

I'm bad at letting go
So, I'm still holding on...
Holding on...
cause' I want to see
you smile,
even if I'm not the reason
for that smile.
I still want to see you laugh
cause' that'll make me happy
even if I'm broken
from inside.

So, yes...I'm bad at letting go
So, I'm still holding on.
Even if you'll be forever gone
and again I'll be alone
but still I'll be holding on
and forever I'll be holding on...

After arranging all the words in a presentable way, I send her with a thumping heart.

She saw it!

It's freakin' 1:04 A.M and she saw it!

"By God! I thought I'll get time to prepare and embrace myself for the outcome! It's too soon!" I can't help but panick.

Alice Richardson

"Do I know you?"


Her reply to my poem kind of surprised me.

"Did she guessed that it's me?"

After giving it a thought, I replied,

Words To Express

"No Ma'am."

"I've just started
writing poems
and I wanted to
ask how my poems are."


"Did you like the poem

"Yes, It's good."

"Thank you so much
for your review Ma'am."

And it was left seen.

"Woaaaaah....that was nerve racking, but, atleast she read it! Yes."

I know that each and every single word of the poem holds true. After knowing that she's with someone, she might be getting married soon, I definitely have no future, I shouldn't even be thinking about it, still, I can't let go of her. I know, I'll always be holding on to her, no matter what.

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