Ch. 13 : Preparations

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8th October, 2018

Everyone is busy preparing for the upcoming national sports event that is conducted by my educational board every year and this year, in my zone, my school got the chance to be the host for cluster level competition. So yeah, everyone's pretty busy.

Volunteers and teachers can be seen running around, putting up banners, setting up the boxing ring, organising stuff and those who got nothing to do are just roaming me.

Afterall, this event is conducted only once in a year and the effect it has on my school~

(I) Sports Room :
The temperature inside this room is 10° more than its surroundings as it is filled with players practicing non-stop.

(II) Classroom ~ to study :
Becomes fish market in the absence of busy teachers.

(III) Washroom ~ to relieve oneself ofcourse :
Becomes Graffiti corner for our "underrated artists" and  "beautiful, mesmerizing words" written by our "heartbroken poets" and angry young teens can be seen on the back of the  washroom doors and walls.

(IV) Corridors :
Becomes garden as everyone can be seen taking a "good-morning walk."

(V) Ramps :
The most isolated part of the school becomes heaven for couples with no cameras around and now and then, few of them can be seen making out.

1 P.M - The Same Day

Classes are over and it's time to go home. As I pass by my school buses, I see an old friend of mine.

"Oo wow...see who's here...Daizzaa." she said, smiling like a little kid although she is sooo tall.

"What? C'mon Ava, my name!"
Such weird friends I have who give me such weird nicknames -_- .

"Haha...Ok. Chill-Chill. She said, laughing.

"I see you have been busy preparing for the event." I said, a small laugh escaping my lips as I examine her condition. Her hands are painted with colours and infact, her hair has a strain of red colour too.

"What can be done? Everytime. EVERY-SINGLE-TIME....I get stuck in these things." She sighed.

Ava is an excellent artist so it was not surprising to see her get caught up and be the head of "Decoration Committee".

"Oh...enjoy then. I'm just going home and catching up a good sleep."

I was about to leave but was stopped by Ava's hand holding me by my wrist.

"Hey-hey-hey. Stop sleepy head. You yourself are good with colours. C'mon please help me out."

"Woah! I'm not. I just sketch a bit. I'm not good with colours." I defend myself.

"Oh c'mon. Pleassseee."

" this how you request?" I question her as she is saying please and at the same time, dragging me with her to her work place.

With no other option, I sighed in defeat and went with her.

"Yess!" Her face lightens up.

"Oh..wait-wait. Let me tell Dean that I'm going to stay back today and will be home by 2:30."

"Yeah...sure." Still, I can see her twinkling eyes.

Quickly, after informing my brother, I went to Ava's Workplace( which, somehow, is our biology lab) and I meet up with more of my artist friends.

"'re going to stay too?"
Paige asked, surprised tone evident in her voice.

"Yeah...she dragged me here." I pointed at Ava accusingly and see her only giving out the criminal laugh.

"And honestly, I got nothing to do at home. So, I'll just enjoy with you guys here." I said as a matter-of-fact.

"Yeah. It's good to have you here." Paige said, giving me her brightest smile.

"Make yourself comfortable and here...start painting the flowers drawn here."

I start doing the work alloted to me. This is my first time being a part of  Decoration Committee and I won't's fun. Just gossips and colours.


It's almost 2:30 P.M and we are winding things up.

I'm busy filling colours in the last flower and out of nowhere, a person walks in the door.

I lift my head up to see the person's face and as soon as my eyes meet Miss Alice's eyes, her face went from ~ 🙂 to ~😶.

She had a pile of copies in her hands which she placed on the table beside mine and leaves the room without sparing me another glance.

Not a single movement of hers escaped my eyes and ofcourse I noticed the slight change in her expression.

" what shall I think about that sudden change in her expression? Was she shocked to see me here....Surprised?
It's so hard to read her sometimes."

"So she stayed back too." I whispered to myself.

"Today's Friday. She stays back on Fridays. Ok! Noted!

Ignoring my lack of knowledge on human psychology i.e how I can't decipher the meaning of the sudden change in Miss Alice's facial expression, I'm just happy that I got to see her before leaving the school premises and found out a bit more about her without putting any effort!

"Well....if she is going to be around..."
I just continue to paint the flowers pink that are matching with my rosy cheeks.

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