Ch. 24 : See You Soon

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A/N : I'm so sorry for not updating last week. A lot was going on that time.

I hope today's double update will make up for it.

Please enjoy!


All I do right now is study and find ways and reasons and excuses to message Miss Alice.

I've messaged her everytime I had even a slightest doubt and sometimes I asked her questions even when I knew the answer to them, when the desire to talk to her became unbearable (≧(エ)≦ )

28th February, my first message to her and it's already 12th March and tomorrow is my science exam which means I won't be able to message her to clarify my chemistry doubts anymore, not until the new session begins.

But, these thoughts are being pushed at the far corner of my mind as the fear of what's going to happen in tomorrow's examination starts to haunt me.

Everyone in my house is fast asleep and no matter how hard I try, my concentration is wavering from the Sci. book opened in front of me.

"Pheww...guess I need a break."

I close my book, open my laptop and log in to my FB account. To my surprise, some of my friends are still active and what could be better than gossiping your worries away with your friends.

There is a message in my inbox which I think to be by one of my friends.I open my inbox without giving a second thought and _______

My heart skips a beat.

Miss Alice's message...

"Woah...what could be in this message...this late at night?"

I open our chats and the moment I read her text, this overwhelming feeling...

Alice Richardson

"Wishing you all the best
for your exams tomorrow.

I don't know why just her well wishes is having such a strong impact on me. All my tension, all my worries just washed away by her words.

With trembling hands, overwhelmed, I reply

"Thank you so much Miss😊
It means a lot."

Without waiting for my message to be seen, I close FB, switch off the lights and went off to sleep, no worries, just peace calming my mind.

Next Day

2:00 P.M

I can't believe. I've never been so satisfied with the question paper. I wrote my sci. paper without panicking and although Bio is my scoring subject, I am very positive about answering all the chemistry questions correctly. Woah! I guess studying chem. in order to impress Miss Alice payed off really well. I've never been so satisfied in my life after giving an exam.

I reach home, change my clothes, freshen up and open FB to tell Miss Alice about my performance and the fact that this message might be the last, atleast for a while, starts to sadden me.

But, I push this depressing thought aside and while doing so, I see it again, it was there again,

Miss Alice's message...again!

Alice Richardson

"Once again...
all the best for your exam.
My best wishes are always
with you.😊"

Now, I really think that her well wishes are the only reason I performed so well.

"I should have opened FB in the morning. Ahh...anyways."

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