Ch. 11 : Stalking (Part- 1)

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My eyes are ablaze with the determination to know and find everything about her.

She knows my name now and asks about me too so, I should know about her whereabouts, her address, people surrounding her etc. with the resources available( i.e. Angela, school)...Right?

So, here I am...standing near the teachers' staffroom with a pen and a paper, ready to write down Miss Alice's routine at school-where she will be in which period, when she have a free period etc. etc.

I feel a bit bad as after this mission is accomplished, she will be having a pair of eyes always following her wherever she goes within the school premises. But, what else can be done? Can't help my obsessed heart!

"Ok can do this."

I take a deep breath and slowly peek inside the staffroom when no one is around.

"Let's see...A-L-I-C-E Richardson...ahh! Here."
I see her name printed on a chart where routines of all the teachers are printed.

I put my pen at work, writing as quick as possible.

"Monday...done. Tuesday...done. Wednesday...done. Thurs~"

"Ahem...What are you writing down Daisy." 
I almost freeze to death as I hear a voice behind me.

Timidly, I turn my head around only to see my seventh standard Science teacher...Miss Petra Taylor, a lady in her 50s who doesn't hesitate to scold and it a prep kid or a 10th standard student.

"Shit! What now? Think Daisy...think!"

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

"Miss Petra...V.P is asking for you."

As I was fumbling with my words, I hear a non-teaching staff calling Miss Petra.

"Jeez! Just go...go away."

She left quickly without saying another word.

I can only hear my pounding heart in silence.

"Holy God gracious! I'm saved. I'm saved."
I sigh in relief and quickly note down the rest of Miss Alice's routine and went out of the staffroom before I encountered another teacher.


I'm walking home with Miss Alice's routine in my hand. All my classes got over a few mins. ago and I'm walking as slow as possible. I want to print her routine in my head before reaching home as I don't want Dean to see me memorizing her routine like crazy.

He definately won't like it. He isn't exactly homophobic like my parents but he doesn't completely support same sex relationships too.

I enter my house and quickly hide her routine before my brother sees it.


It's already 6 in the evening. I keep on checking her routine from time to time when Dean's not around.

I've almost memorized her routine. Now, I need more information( I'm greedy indeed ;)

I pick up my phone and call Angela, my only living source of information(😅).


"Hey Angela...wassup."

"Nothing exactly. You?"

"Memorizing her routine."

"Jeez Daisy! You really will go
crazy someday. You're so obsessed
with her. Before it was Anna
but, you're obsession was
not to this extent. What are
you? An obsessed dodo?

"Kk...cow😂. Because
of this obsession only...
I need to ask you

"Hmm...I'm listening."

"Since, you both
board the same
bus, you must have
seen her house right?"

"Umm...hmm. I know."

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