Ch. 37 : Endless Rollar Coaster Ride

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Late November, 2019

Miss Alice is back to work, she's back at school. Atleast I get to see her now. And there's one thing I noticed. Whenever, there's a vacation coming up or it's the first day of school after vacation, Miss Alice and I end up looking at each other most of the times.

Things haven't gone right since this year's Sports meet and Miss Alice was mostly away from school as she was sent with the players off state.
( Tsk! ಠᴥಠ )
Last time when she was away, the last day before she took off with girls for the nationals, I was there the whole time, I saw her walking away, wishing for her to just look at me once before she takes her leave, but, I wasn't that lucky.

Well, she's back now and sometimes she does look at me now, it's like back to the days when I first started noticing everything about Miss Alice.

The holidays are starting from tomorrow. It's the last day before the holidays began.

I greeted Miss Alice in the morning and she greeted me back too. I'm happy :-)

During the first period, Miss Stacey told me to come to the  staffroom as she had to give me some work, so I'm heading for the staffroom right now.

"Miss!" I called for my English teacher as I saw her near the staffroom.

"Ahh Daisy, yes come." She indicated me to go to her.

We are standing near the staffroom door, talking about the stuff. I take a quick peep inside to see just Miss Alice, arranging the answer sheets of the tests. She is busy with her work and continued to do so.

After a few seconds, Miss Stacey's and my conversation went off track and we started to talk about something. We are laughing now and Miss Stacey holds my wrist casually. She is the teacher I've gotten close too the most. So, we do talk about stuff other than work and studies from time to time.

As soon as she take hold of my wrist and we laugh, I quickly look inside the staffroom and oh boy! Miss Alice's face!
Her brows raised, she definitely looked annoyed, jealous?? Well, she might have that expression on her face because of some other reason but, thinking that she is jealous for ME, that made me all giddy, even if might actually not be the reason.

I'm done talking with Miss Stacey so, I return to my classroom with a smile on my face.

1:30 P.M, Same Day

It has started raining. I still can't forget that expression of Miss Alice's face. It's been so long since, I saw her that near me that I could read her expressions.

Before going home, I want to wish Miss Alice for having happy holidays. Walking through the corridor, I'm just hoping that our paths will cross.


As I near the main gate, I see Miss Alice coming with two other teachers. She was smiling, laughing and just seeing that everything slowed down and my heart beat quickened. God knows what was happening. For some reason unknown, as she was nearing me, the other two teachers were parting ways with Miss Alice. Everything was literally in slow motion. When Miss Alice looked at me, she still had that beautiful smile on her face that made me smile to my fullest too.

As I neared her, I said in a small voice,
"Wishing you Happy Holidays Miss."

I think she didn't catch my words at first as my voice was so low, but, in less than a sec she responded,

"Same to you." She is smiling just the same and her hands went on my cheeks, pressing them lightly.

The day is chilly and rainy. Her hands are cold, but her touch feels the warmest.

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