Ch. 22 : Birthday Wish

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Holy moly...It's her birthday!

25th February, 2019

I woke up late. No school anymore, so, no need to wake up early. Ofcourse, my parents are like- "Wake up early. You got a month leave to study, not to sleep like a bear!" But, my eyes just don't agree. They like to stay hidden. Not my fault. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I drag myself out of my bed and grab my phone, scrolling through the pics to see the face of my angel.

"How can you be so flawless Miss Alice?"

I can't stop myself from adoring the pic of her and mine. The ONLY pic of her and mine.

Opening whatsapp, I see Bill's status,

It's a pic of Miss Alice and the caption states : Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Miss Alice!

...'s her birthday!

I message Bill without giving a second thought.

"Today's Miss Alice's

He replies almost instantly.

"Yes and you
know what?
I talked to her
for almost an hour."

"Trying to make me jealous. Not so decent Bill." ಠ﹏ಠ

"Omg! Really?
Gosh! I want to wish
her too. What should
I do?"

"I don't know."

So straight. ಠ_ಠ

"If I update my
status, wishing her,
can you please
show it to her?"

"How am I
supposed to that?
Ok. Let me think
about it. Just update
your status."

"Eee...Thank you
so much Bill."

I quickly update my status wishing Miss Alice the happiest birthday with her and my pic.

"Ok, done!"

"I sent her the
SS of your status.
She hasn't replied yet."


My heart is pounding so fast. I'm soooooo nervous about how she is going to react.

*After Few Minutes*


I grab my phone with the speed of light.

It's Bill's message. He sent me a pic, SS of the chat of Miss Alice and his.

He sent the SS of my status to Miss Alice to which she replied "thanks to her" and the next part caught me off guard.

I call Bill quickly and he pick up my call in an instant.

"Bill what did you
say to her when she
asked about how I
got to her no.?"

I seriously can't understand why Miss Alice asked this question. I mean what made her think that I have her no.?

"I just told her that you
already have her no. You
somehow managed it."

"That leaves such a
wrong impression Bill!
I seriously don't even
have her no.!"

"I just freaked out
at such a
random question.
So, I said what
came into my
mind that time."

"Is he really dumb or does he want to ruin my reputation in front of her?"

Cold sweat is running down my temple.

"What impression will this leave on her? She'll think I'm stalking her! I mean, I AM,  but, ofcourse I don't want her to know! Jeez..."

"Relax, okay.
She doesn't pay much
attention to these things."

"As you say Bill."

I almost whispered the last sentence and hung up the phone.


1:55 P.M, Same Day

I'm standing outside my house's main gate, waiting for Miss Alice's bus to pass by so that I can wish her on her birthday, mentally ofcourse. One can't wish someone softly if that person comes in front of you just for milliseconds. And ofcourse I don't want to make everyone think that I'm crazy, shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY. If I do so, I'm definitely going to give Miss Alice second hand embarrassment, so, I'll just see her, even for millisecs. and wish for her wellbeing.

First bus passes by, second, third and finally her bus. With all my attention, I glued my eyes towards her bus, searching for her. Her bus comes nearer and nearer and just passes by.

No sight of her.

I missed it. Damn'

I see Kevin returning from school. He is in 8th standard, so, definitely, school for him.

"Hey, Kevin. Did you saw Miss Alice today at school?"

"Huh...Miss Alice. No, I don't think so."

"Oh...she didn't came to school. Enjoying birthday at home with family and friends I guess."

"Oh...Ok thanks Kevin."

I'm still standing like a ghost.

And here goes Mr. Relic on his bike, giving me this "what are you doing out here? Go home and study!" look.

That look definitely scared me and I went home right away.

Entered my house, picked up my phone and I see my status again. Her and my pic with the caption-

"Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY Miss Alice, my favourite teacher!"

"Yeah, favourite, can't write "my crush" right?"

Miss Alice came to know about me wishing her through SOMEONE else, I got her thanks through SOMEONE else, I wished her in MY THOUGHTS, not even when she was in front of me.


What a way to wish someone on their birthday!

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