Ch. 21 : Happy Ending (Part-3)

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"Yaah! Will I even get a selfie with her? Will I get a happy ending today?"

"Okay, everybody, smile please. One, two, three."


And our class photo got clicked.

As soon as the pic is taken, we are told to sit in the classroom where my "cute little ponytails" were made( I hope you remember (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ).

Having such cheerful and not to mention, such a lively class... classmates is a blessing. As soon as we get into the classroom, the door is shut, one is not allowed to bring mobile phones, even today, but, last day, so, even the teachers don't say anything, we just have to hide the phone in front of V.P, Principal and some of her favourite non-teaching staffs.

So, the farewell celebration began, sprite flying in air, hundreds of crazy pics taken, all of these, this moment's happiness made me forget Miss Alice for once. Just me and my friends and my fav. class X B.


"Who gave you all the permission to shut the door?It's the last day doesn't mean you all are allowed to do anything you want."
Mr. Relic roared as he opened the classroom's door and everyone went still.

We are readying ourselves for some punishment but, surprisingly he let us go this time.

"Keep in mind that this behaviour would not be tolerated. Everyone, submit your slips now. If not done, go get the remaining signed quickly.It's already 12 P.M and 12:30 is your dispersal time so get going "

The mention of how little time I've left made my heart sink.

"Shit! Just half an hour! And still no pic with her."

"What Daisy? Enjoying?"
Bill's sudden approach pull me out of my thoughts.

"Definately yes. It's feels so good to have these all and it's saddening at the same time. I'm going to miss my X B and it's more saddening that I didn't even got a chance to get a selfie with Miss Alice."
I give out a nervous laugh.

"You want to take a selfie with her? I can make that happen."
He said with a proud feeling.

"Omg, can you? Really? But, I don't even have a phone. I was planning to take one with Angela's phone."

I search for Angela and she is nowhere to be seen.

"But, I guess she is busy getting her slip signed or wandering out."

"Tskk! She too had to wander off right now."

"Hah! A phone? No problem. Let's just go out. I'll get you one."

I'm jumping like an excited kid. Bill and I are accompanied by Adrian. Seems like Adrian's phone is the one I'm going to use.


We are just roaming around, on ramps, from one class to another.

"Uhh, Bill are we going to Miss Alice?" I whisper to Bill as I don't want to reveal my purpose to Adrian.

"Chill Daisy." He replied with a calm tone.

"But, it's already 12:20 P.M. We only have ten minutes left."

"Ok then, let's go."

As soon as we start searching for Miss Alice, Adrian's phone starts ringing.

"Oh, what? Ok. I'll come right away." Adrian replied the phone hastily and hung up the phone.

"What happened?" Bill asked him while I listened to their conversation intently.

"This gorilla got no chill. Mr. Relic is searching for me and he would kill me if I don't go to him fast. I haven't submitted my slip till now, that's why. Tskk, can't he wait."

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