Ch. 2 : Lucky Day

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"Well...she is beautiful."

"Ohhho...she is beautiful...hmm are catching those feels now huh? Love at first sight...getting butterflies...ohho!!"

"Shut up! I don't know about getting butterflies, but if you don't shut your mouth right are sure going to see the stars in this broad daylight." I said punching her shoulder.

"Ouch...don't do that!"
she said...pouting.

I just look at her. Damn' she can be adorable sometimes!

She is the girl, Angela Jacobs, who just goes blank and can be bitchy sometimes but, afterall she is the first and the only one who made me realise that I might-not-be-straight and I really love her because she didn't make that "Eww-that's-disgusting" face like others in my society (kinda homophobic environment) would do.

"Hey lost in Miss Alice's thoughts?"

I just snap out of my thoughts. God! This girl just won't stop!

"C'mon Angela. I seriously feel nothing about her. I just said the facts. She IS ofcourse I will say that she's beautiful...just like anyone will say you look like a dumb and lost cow when they see you for the first time." I said teasingly.

"You there bitch...I'll get back to you." she said.

"Try me." I winked.

*Few weeks later*

"Hey Angela...did Miss Alice come to school today?"

"No, she didn't came at bus stop and if she didn't board any other school buses...well then...
we get another free period."

...Our eyes shined...

Yes! another free period, no chemical equations...just gossips.

Miss Alice wasn't coming to school recently and since she board the same bus as Angela it was easy to find out that we're going to have another lucky day or not and today just happens to be another lucky day.

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