"I would die if it meant I could see you underneath me every day."

I scoffed, "That did not just come out of your mouth Rafe Cameron."

"Oh it definitely did baby." He smiled.

I leaned up and connected my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt his hands cup my face before pulling away, but he kept his eyes glued to mine.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." He shook his head, "I'm sorry, I just can't get over you. You're amazing."

"You're too sweet."

He sighed, "No like seriously Hal. I'm so crazy about you that it's driving me insane."

I watched as he shifted off of me, and managed to stuff his body in between the couch and my own, before he spoke up again.

"I'm so in love with you Hal, I can't lose you."

"I am too Rafe. You won't lose me." I let my fingers run into his hair.

I felt his arms wrap around my frame and he pulled me into him, kissing the side of my head, "Better not."

I really was so scared of losing him. He was all I had left and I knew that he was it for me. Rafe was who I wanted to spend my life with, and I knew it from the day I talked with him. I knew it now. My love for that boy was absolutely ridiculous, and everyone saw it because I could never hide the way I felt about him. If I lost him, I would be broken.

"I love you Rafe, more than you could ever know."


Over the next two weeks, it was nothing but craziness.  I actually had reached out to JJ and Kie by the second week, because I was so behind with how much stuff I had left to pack, and luckily, they were all able to come help me for a few days.  Of course, they were pretty upset to hear that I was leaving, but I told them that anytime they were in Charleston or I was in the OBX, we would hang out. 

I couldn't have done it without their help honestly, and as much as I hated asking them, they were more than happy to do it.  The movers had already picked up several loads of our stuff, but today was the last load.  This was it.  After two long weeks of going through memories and reminders of my mom, my friends and I had finally gotten everything out of the house, except for the things I needed.

I felt John B's and JJ's arms drape over each of my shoulders as we stood and watched the movers grab the last few boxes.  I sighed just as John B spoke up next to me.

"You okay Hallie?"

"Oh yeah, just a little sad." I turned my head to face the brunette boy.

He gave me a small smile, "Yeah, we're gonna be here every time you come back though, so don't forget about us."

"How could I ever?" I looked to JJ, "Blondie gave me drugs remember?"

JJ scoffed, "We're still on that? I said I was sorry!"

I heard Kie and Pope laugh as they came up behind us, "JJ, I don't think we're ever gonna let you live past that."

The blonde groaned and let go of me at Kie's words, "Hal I really am sorry about that night."

I smiled, "Dude I'm so messing with you, it's fine."

"Okay." He sighed, "You really gotta come see us though when you come back, and we're definitely gonna come visit too."

"I will, this isn't the end. I'll be back." I reassured him.

We chatted for a few more minutes until the movers got everything else, and I made sure to tell them thank you, before they walked out of my house for the last time. All that was left now were my bag's upstairs that were going with me to Rafe's house.

I turned to John B, "Alright, let me grab my stuff really quick and then we can get out of here."

The brunette boy nodded, along with the others, and I went upstairs after that, with Sadie on my heels. When I stepped into my room, the only thing that really consumed my mind was how much I was seriously going to miss this. It was weird to think that a few months ago, I didn't even want to be here, but now, I didn't want to leave. Even though I hadn't been on the island for that long, it had already won my heart over, in more ways than one.

Memories flooded my mind of the amount of time Rafe and I had spent in this room. Like the first time he stayed over with me, or when I made him watch Mamma Mia, or when he saw the piece of him and Sadie, everything. Not only that, but that amount of hours I had spent in here painting with Sadie passed out on my bed, hit my thoughts too.

As much as I loved Charleston, there was no way it could beat the time I had spent here in the Outer Banks. Especially since, this was the last place I had enjoyed with my mom.

It was like Sadie knew I was a little heartbroken, because she walked over in front of my feet and sat down, giving me a look. I got on my knees and wrapped my arms around her, before talking to her as if she could understand me, "I love you Sadie girl."

I spent a couple of more minutes in there, reminiscing on everything, until I decided that my friends were probably getting tired of waiting on me. My body stood up at that, leading us out of the door, for the last time, and down the stairs. When my gaze hit Kie's, she gave me a sympathetic expression, and grabbed my hand. We all walked outside afterwards, and I made sure to lock everything up, before turning back to my friends.

"Thank you guys for being here." I said as my eyes started to get a little watery.

Kie immediately saw my sadness, "Awe Hallie, come here."

She pulled me into her embrace and the others did the same, wrapping their arms around me.

"You could always stay?" I heard JJ say next to me.

"I wish I could," I sighed, "But I have to go to school."

"We love you Hallie." John B said on the other side of me.

They all let go of me at the brunette's words and nodded, "I love you guys too."

I swallowed and directed my gaze on Sadie, who was sitting right at my feet, patiently waiting for what we're doing next. A smile and quiet laugh escaped my lips at my dog, and I ran my fingers across her head, before pulling myself together. I took a step to the side, indicating that we could leave, and everyone took that as their opportunity to do the same.

I waved my friends off, after saying thank you's and goodbye's, as they backed out of my driveway in the rundown van, and smiled. Once they were out of sight, I put Sadie in the backseat and took one last look at the house, before climbing in my car.

When Sadie and I pulled back into Rafe's driveway, no one was home, but we went on inside anyways since I had a key to their house. We then made our way to the dirty blonde's room so I could put my stuff in there, and I made sure to grab my sketchbook and pencils out of one of the bags. Afterwards, Sadie followed me downstairs and back outside to their dock.

I needed a little bit of time to breathe and draw. With all of the stress from the past couple of weeks now gone, it was time for the next chapter in my life. Back in the other Carolina.

CHANGES 𓇽 R. CAMERONМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя