At this time, a piece of news that had not gathered much attention suddenly caught the eye of many.

Previously, White Thousand Degrees had plagiarized 'flash' and created a pirated website for content. The court had been quietly tracking down information, and by this time, they had finally finished collecting. Their professional evaluation department released their report, which was shared with the public. In summary, the information went like this:

The start-up speed of White Thousand Degrees' &#k2018;instant cut' was 2.2 seconds, which was 6 times slower than &#k2018;flash';

Maximum movement speed was only 48% of what &#k2018;flash' could achieve;

Maximum impact damage could only achieve 42% of &#k2018;flash's maximage damage;

According to the experts' scoring, the technical difficulty of instant cut was 3.6 points while flash was 9.2 points.

This type of professional report was usually very boring, and netizens wouldn't be interested in it; however, this report was different, and it became a hot topic right after it was published--

Because the gap it illustrated was too big, too dramatic!


Netizens merely looked at the score, first 'wow'-ing in surprise, and then moved on to look at the data, exclaiming 'holy crap'.

It was the same type of high-speed injury technique, but the score difference between 3.6 and 9.2 was like the difference between a 3.0 earthquake and a 9.0 earthquake!

One could basically sleep through a 3.0 earthquake, but an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 was just like experiencing the sky and earth being destroyed--when the two were placed in the same report for comparison, the gap made people want to laugh.

The phrase, 'displaying one's slight skill before an expert', wasn't enough to describe this gap. It could only be said that it was like 'an ant trying to shake a large tree' or 'the light of a firefly daring to compete with the sun and moon'.

Netizens left comments like: "Alright, alright, alright. Professionals are still better! As soon as a professional comes out, White Thousand Degrees' group of keyboard experts suddenly ceased all activity, their faces must be swollen into pig heads."

"3.6 points. This score can be considered as 'alright, you can fight as you like, and I'll casually watch on'; 9.2 points basically means 'oh my god, this technique is at the level of a master'."

"Some people might not know what a 3-point score stands for. Let me just say: If I went up, I would also be given 3 points. 2-point scores are basically reserved for rookies who have just joined the e-sports circle for the first time; 1 point can be said to be reserved for the mentally handicapped; 0 points has never appeared in history."

"I never knew how terrible 'flash' was. I only realized after the professional evaluation came out just now! My god, War God is simply amazing. He can even use this kind of highly technical technique four times in a row. He is absolutely one of the industry's top technical players!"


While the internet was in a state of uproar, White Thousand Degrees' fans immediately felt ashamed and didn't dare to lash out anymore--were they kidding? The competition had just ended. How could a champion be lacking in supporters?

If they really dared to go up against the War God at this time, they would really end up drowning in saliva.

There were others who secretly ran to White Thousand Degrees and asked him for a refund--the first tagline of his videos had been for a technique that 'was comparable to the War God's flash'. Now that the large difference in techniques was obvious, it was clear that it was simply a scam to cheat them of their money!

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