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"Xiao Bai, are you crying again?" Donghua smiled in amusement seeing his wife sniffling while folding several silk robes that were going into the marriage chest of their daughter.  Xiao Hua was getting married in two weeks and Xiao Bai had been crying on and off for the past few months whenever she would think of her baby girl moving away from her.

"I can't believe she's going to be leaving soon.  It seems only yesterday that she's learning to walk and speak and now she's leaving for good."  Xiao Bai sniffed getting up to wrap her arms around Donghua still clutching one of the silk robes.  He returned her embrace as he caressed her hair.  The truth was, he had been having a hard time himself thinking of Xiao Hua getting married and living faraway from them.  Although she had been discipling away from them for awhile now and was frequently not in Qingqiu or wherever they were staying, marriage was a permanent separation from home.  However, as it would not do anything good for his image as a stoic God to show his emotional side, he had been quite content to let Xiao Bai do all the crying for the both of them.  

"Weren't you the one pushing her to get married? Telling me she's already 60,000 years old and should be giving you grandchildren by now?  You even got angry at me whenever I kicked out her suitors?"  Donghua said chuckling slightly recalling how his daughter's many suitors would cower in fear the minute they were in his presence.  Xiao Bai would glare at him whenever she spied one of them scurrying away even before they could enter the threshold of their residence.   Donghua would merely shrug telling her they were not worthy of his precious daughter if they got scared just by looking at him.    

"I do want her to get married but why did she have to choose someone who lives so far away."  she wailed knowing that she wouldn't be able to just pop by to see her daughter whenever she wanted now that she was going to be living in the Ghost Realms.  "He's a good one though, isn't he?"  she remarked smiling slightly now thinking of her future son in law and how happy Xiao Hua looks whenever she was with her affianced.  

When the engagement was announced, many in the Immortal Realms were not impressed with the match. Aside from the fact that Bai Feng Hua was known as the most beautiful woman of her generation, her bloodline, progeny and connections were impeccable.  Many at Court and in the other Immortal Realms felt that it was practically a blasphemy that she would end up with someone from a clan as insignificant as the Ghost Clan when she could have any of the Princes from the more powerful Realms who had been assiduously asking for her hand in marriage.  How could Donghua Dijun allow such an inconsequential match? She was the only daughter of the first Heavenly Emperor, the Supreme God of the Universe and the Fox Queen and she should be married to someone more her equal in both wealth and in status.  However, Donghua and Xiao Bai knew that it was meant to be.  Some of the most intense moments in their lives have been inextricably linked with the Ghost Clan.  It had been General Anhuier who had told Xiao Bai what to do to change her destiny, it had been the Orb of Time that had allowed Xiao Bai to find him in the first place in order to save him.  Now, it has come full circle with Xiao Hua marrying the future Magistrate of the Clan. 

 Xiao Hua had gotten acquainted with the son of Magistrate Ilraba of the Ghost Clan, General Ilraba Li Wan when she was training under the famed Ghost Clan Head Physician, Nuba.   When they first met, Wan Wan, the future Magistrate, did not know that she was the daughter of "the" Donghua Dijun as she had dyed her signature white hair to black and changed her name and identity not wanting to get any special treatment because of her status, but more importantly, because she needed to conceal her identity to keep herself safe as the daughter of Donghua Dijun would always be a target for some unscrupulous entity.  As the Ghost Clan members rarely socialize with the others in the Immortal Realms, no one, especially not the General, had even suspected that she was anyone else than what she purported to be, a younger daughter from one of the more obscure Courts.  The two had not been looking for love when they met but had fallen in love nevertheless.  It came slowly, leisurely like a slow dance as they got to know each other and found the love that was just waiting for the other.  

Tears of Fate - Eternal Love of Dreams Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang