Chapter Eight

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"You want to marry my daughter?  I'm feeling a sense of deja vu here.  With respect, did I not already consent to this wedding a few years back.  I seem to remember getting all dressed up when the groom failed to show up at his own wedding. I don't know if I should consent to this marriage this time around as I hate dressing up for no reason."  Bai Zhi Di Jun said sarcastically frowning at the man sitting in front of him.  Although he was actually a little scared of Donghua Dijun and didn't know where he was getting the courage to say what he was saying to Dijun, Bai Zhi did not want to show it.  His daughter Jiu'er deserved the best and if this man will only hurt her, it doesn't matter who he was, he can be the Supreme God of the Universe (which he was),  he will still not be welcomed to their family.  

"I'm only informing you of our plans to get married as soon as we reach Bihai Cangling as a show of respect being the father and elder of Xiao Bai but this wedding will go through with or without your blessing." Donghua said coldly.   

"Of course, Dijun, don't misunderstand us.  We are only a little concerned as to how our little Queen will suit you given that you seem to have some doubts the first time around?" This time it was Feng Jiu's mother with her own verbal volley. "Something about not being fated to be together?"

Donghua Dijun threw an icy glare at her and was about to reply harshly when he felt a tug on his sleeves. The pleading look given to him by Xiao Bai made him hold back his response.  He sighed.  Truthfully, he cannot really be angry at them.  If someone had hurt his Xiao Bai the way he had hurt her, this little scene will not even be occurring now.  The head of that person would be displayed on the tip of the C'ang he.  He was just not used to dealing with opposition.  No one has dared question his authority since his ascension as Supreme God of the Universe.  He should have known it wouldn't be this easy. The Bais family have always been different from the other families in court.  If this was some other Court family, they would have prostrated themselves in front of him thanking him for his benevolence in taking one of their own as his wife.  The Bais, on the other hand, closed ranks and protected their own. Hurt one and everyone will be out to defend that person.   The was probably where Xiao Bai learned how to be devoted. She learned that loyalty from her family.  Now, he was the fortunate unworthy recipient of it.  

"Xiao Bai and I will travel to Bihai Cangling at the end of the week.  The day after we reach there, we will be married.  You don't need to prepare anything for this wedding as Chonglin has everything in hand.  He is already familiar with Qingqiu's custom and tradition from previously so you don't need to worry about that aspect also.  All I ask is that all of Xiao Bai's family be on hand to give her your blessings for the marriage." Dijun spoke in a measured tone trying not to sound annoyed that he had to explain his plans. He must remember that Xiao Bai's family was important to her and therefore they are worthy of his respect.

"I appear to you today not as Dijun but as a son in law.  I understand your hesitation given what happened last time.  But I would like to assure you that should Fate show up my doorstep right now and declare that the world will collapse if we go through with the wedding and try to stop it,  her head will be on top of the Cang'he before she could even utter another word.  Nothing will stop or prevent this wedding from going through."  He said so coldly that it actually felt like the temperature in the cave had gone down a few degrees.   They could all hear the steel in his voice.  Some of them actually shivered a little.  This was the Donghua Dijun of legend.  Decisive, arrogant and afraid of nothing.

"Father, mother, please I would like your blessings." pleaded Feng Jiu using her best wheedling voice.  "I love Dijun and I know he loves me.  He couldn't really help what happened last time.  You know how much responsibilities has been placed upon his shoulder from the time he was young.  Dijun is the Supreme God of the Universe.  Of course he had to miss the previous wedding when the universe was at risk.  The wedding ceremony wasn't as important as saving the universe from that evil demoness.   He couldn't just abdicate his responsibilities like that just because he was getting married. He's too honorable for that.  There truly was no one else who could have done what he did.  If it was someone else, the world would have collapse in under a minute.  We wouldn't have wanted that.  Honestly, If you had been there at the chasm, your jaws would have dropped from seeing his greatness!  The way he wields the Cang'he is unequalled in all the immortal realms, people will surely pay to watch it.  In fact ..."

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