Chapter Thirty Eight

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Xiao Bai cautiously inspected the portal that had just opened up in front of her. She wasn't sure what it was as she had never seen anything like it. It looked like there was a corridor with light emanating from it. She looked at the Orb in her hand, wondering if that was what had created the portal. She tried to remember exactly what she said just before it appeared. I wish I can go to where Donghua is now. Yes, that was exactly what she said and then the portal opened up. Xiao Bai knew that she will be going into the portal even if she wasn't sure what she will find at the other end.  She had no other choice but to take the risk.   It was up to her to find him now.   She steeled her shoulders and took a deep breath as she walked into the portal. At first, it was just bright lights all around, then it started to become a little darker. She was still holding the Orb and it was helping light her way. After awhile she found herself at the opening of a cave.  The inside was dark, so Xiao Bai had to use her magic to create some light as she started to enter it.  Immediately, she felt a tug in her heart. She felt an overwhelming sense of relief because she knew she was in the right place.  He was somewhere near and he was alive.

Donghua saw her before she saw him.  Once he had killed Ya Ti on the battlefield, he knew that he had to go to the caves in the mountains where he usually went to cultivate and stabilize the Universe. He knew that that was the only place in the Universe that would give him a chance to heal himself as he had been hit by almost a thousand arrows laced with the venom from what he suspected was the Applachian Snake Dragon. Ya Ti had planned well when he had set the trap. If it had been anyone other than Donghua Dijun, death would have come instantaneously. But this was the God with almost unlimited powers at his disposal. So he was still able to use the whatever power left in him to teleport to the caves and expel the arrows from his body. Unfortunately, once he was able to make a self assessment of his condition,  he realized that even with all his power, his cultivation would not be able to keep up with the level of poison that was spreading through his body. The poison so venomous that it had started affecting his primordial spirit instantaneously. He had been in the cave for almost a month now, meditating, trying to keep his body as stable as he could.  Knowing the futility of what he was doing, he wished he had just teleported back to Xiao Bai when he had the chance.  He wished he had gone back to her and the children.  At least, he would be with them, in her arms, when he met his end. 

So, he wasn't surprised when he saw her, for he had been seeing her everyday.  A hallucination brought forth by the longing and yearning in his mind.  He'd always known that hers will be the last face he will see when he reached the end. And the end was very near now.  He could feel it in his spirit. His only regret now was that she was not real.  

"Donghua? Donghua? Are you all right?" Her voice clear and strong penetrated his muddled mind as he felt her hands cupping his face. This hallucination felt different somehow.  Did he die already? Because there was no explanation as to how he can feel the touch of her gentle hands on his face, the wonderful scent of her surrounding him, enveloping him in her warmth.  He could hear the frantic pleading in her voice as she called his name again and again. He could still feel the pain in his body.  Suddenly, he realized that she was real.  His Xiao Bai was actually here in the caves with him.  

"Xiao Bai? How...?" he said weakly and with great effort.  He tried to reach for her to hold her in his arms but he was so weak so all he could do was stare at her in awe and disbelief.  

Xiao Bai had almost broken down at her first glimpse of him.  He was covered with blood, so much blood.  She could see the open wounds on his body, golden blood still leaking out.  She knew from A'Li's account that he had been hit by so many poisoned arrows just before he disappeared.  "Shhh... my love, don't move or say anything yet. I can see you're in pain.  I'll try to use my blood to cleanse as much poison as I could first. I hope that it would make you feel better."  She said as she took out the little penknife that she always had with her and cut her palm.  She didn't even flinch from the pain of the cut as she slowly pressed her bloody hand into his heart.  He immediately felt better, as some of the poison was filtered out.  

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