Chapter Forty Two

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Xiao Bai tasted the soil and dust coating her lips as she looked around at her surrounding after having fallen into a crack caused by an earthquake in the normally peaceful Qingqiu Valley.  She had been out in the forest gathering some herbs and vegetables for dinner tonight while Donghua was on a day trip to the Sky Kingdom. The children were fortunately not with her as they needed to finish their studies before some of the Bai's came over for dinner.   A'Li has just come back from the Northern Realms and he was visiting the Fox Cavern together with Gugu, 4th Uncle and High God Zhe Yan so Xiao Bai was preparing for dinner.  What she was not prepared for was the maelstrom of falling rocks and trees that would soon rock her surroundings as the earth shifted beneath her.  Instinctively, she had tried to escape by transforming to her fox form but then realized belatedly that she no longer had the means to do so.  Unfortunately, that split second of inattention cause her to fall into a crevice created by the loosened soil.   Although the hole had since been covered by the falling debris, there was still some little holes that allowed small slivers of light to pass through.  As soon as the earth stop moving, Xiao Bai tried to lift her body to a sitting position but whenever she moved she could feel a searing pain on her legs.  She had probably broken her ankle.  Her head also throbbed, she knew she had hit her head hard on the ground when she fell.  She knew she didn't have enough cultivation to heal herself or teleport herself out from the hole so she could do nothing but wait until Donghua came to rescue her because she knew he would.  Ever since she had cut off her tails and they had come back from the caves, her cultivation had remained at a low level.  She had been dismayed about the unnaturally slow increase in cultivation but she knew that Donghua has been increasingly perturbed by it, much more than she was.  She hated that this incident will further worry him about her safety.  The dizziness in her head intensified and soon she was unconscious.   


"Si Ming greets Donghua Dijun."  Si Ming said as soon as he entered the Dijun's villa at Tai Chen Palace.  The minute he learned that Dijun was back in the Palace, he had hastened to see him.  He had been planning to take a trip to the Fox Cavern where he knew the couple was staying currently but this was more convenient.  Dijun was curious wondering why he was seeking an audience with him.  He knew that Si Ming was a little frightened of him and avoided talking to him as much as possible.  Except when it had something to do with the Books of Fate and whatever he had to say about it was never good.  His eyes narrowed, assessing the Star Lord in front of him.

Si Ming felt a chill in the air as Dijun stared at him coldly not acknowledging his greeting.  "Umm, is Dihou with you today?"  Si Ming asked trying to break the one sided tension that he was feeling.  He wished the Little Queen was in the villa today, because, one, it was easier talking to her and two, it was less harrowing talking to him when she was around as her presence somehow mellows him down a little, at least it felt that way to him.  He looked around half expecting her to be somewhere near as Dijun rarely went anywhere without her preferring to keep her besides him at all times.  Maybe he should have sought an audience in the Fox Cavern after all.   

"No..."  Dijun said shortly not giving any further information.  Donghua was only at the Palace for a day trip so he didn't bring Xiao Bai and the children with him as he would be going back to Qingqiu before the end of  the day.  When Si Ming continued to just look at him as if wanting to say something and yet now knowing how to say it, Donghua felt a little apprehensive.  Of course looking at his countenance, you would never know it.  It must have something to do with the Books of Fate, or else, he would not be seeking me and looking ill at ease. "Star Lord, are you done daydreaming? If no, maybe you should not be bothering me."  Donghua said, impatient now.

"Si Ming would like to report to Dijun that as the Naming Ceremony of the little Prince and Princess was officially done by the Fox Clan last week, I have taken it upon myself to check the official appearance of their names in the Books of Fate."  So it did have something to do with the Books of Fate.  Donghua motioned his head for him to continue.  "The names of the little Prince and Princess are indeed in the Books now, Dijun."  Donghua raised one of his eyebrows clearly ready to boot Si Ming out now for wasting his time.  However, before Dijun can say anything, Si Ming continued, "Dijun, as you and Dihou are their parents,  the part that I was checking necessarily included the entries about the two of you."  After Dijun and the little Queen had taken control over their own fate and had gotten married despite not being fated to be together, Si Ming had avoided looking at any parts of the Book that had to do with the two of them, not wanting to continue to be the frequent bearer of bad news.  He decided that what will be, will be so why try to interfere and bring sorrow to the two people in the Universe who truly deserved to be together.  

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