Chapter Six

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"Everything looks good Dijun.  All her vitals are normal. Pulse rate and heart rate are good.  I cannot detect any negative toxins in her body.  But her cultivation power is only at 50% right now, so she still needs to recuperate and rest for some time.  She's young, though, so it may be faster for her to heal." Zhe Yan smiled, beaming with relief after checking on the young Queen. "Please continue to feed her 3 drops of your golden blood everyday together with this new medicine that I am prescribing.  You need only to feed her your blood once a day now."

"God Zhe Yan, I can get up and move around though right? Please tell Dijun.  I know he's planning to carry me from place to place if you don't tell him that I'm completely fine walking on my own." Xiao Bai impishly smiled at Donghua while saying this.

"You're so heavy.  If I carry you around, I will probably lose half of my cultivation in just a few hours." teased Dijun smiling lovingly at Xiao Bai, so happy that she was up and about.  

"How dare you say I'm heavy Dijun! I'm such a fragile maiden that everyone here can clearly see how delicate I am! Isn't that right Chonglin, God Zhe Yan? Tell Dijun, I'm as light as a flower petal!"

Everyone smiled relieved at the high spirit of her highness.

"Everyone out of the room now.  Xiao Bai needs to rest and freshen up a little." 

Zhe Yan and Chonglin both bowed low. "Dijun, Dihou (Empress)"

After they left the room, Donghua gently caressed the face of Xiao Bai.  "Are you truly all right my love? I miss you. I'm so happy you are back here with me."

Xiao Bai looked at him with her large liquid eyes leaning and rubbing her cheeks into his hands.  "I miss you also my Donghua.  Is it okay if I take a bath first? I feel a bit icky."  Xiao Bai said.  

"Of course my love, it's all prepared.  Do you mind if I stay here? I find that I can't leave you yet." Dijun said.

"Of course you can stay, it's not like you haven't seen everything before!"  Xiao Bai said impishly.  


After her bath, Xiao Bai took a short nap that Dijun insisted she take.  When she woke up it was already dark, she found Dijun seating by her bed slowly stroking her hair.  "Help me sit up, I'm tired from lying in bed." After he helped her sit up, he felt that it was time for a serious conversation.

"Xiao Bai, do you want to talk about what happened before the events inside of the Maoiyi Chasm or even after?  You can ask me anything you want."  There was a frown on Donghua's face.  He was clearly uncomfortable with the idea of explaining himself to anyone but  he knew he had to do it for Xiao Bai.  If anyone deserved an explanation, it was her.  He also wanted to ask Xiao Bai about what was happening in her mind when she was unconscious.  He wanted to know if she knew Fate was involved.  Although it seems like Fate had temporarily withdrawn, Donghua was still wary for Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai took a long look at him.  Then seeming to make up her mind, she said, "I just have one question Donghua and I want you to be very honest in answering me.  I just want to know if you feel that you can be with me in face of Fate's inevitable punishment.  I know that you're not an ordinary individual.  In your hands rest a lot of people's lives, maybe the Universe itself.  So, I would not ask you to choose between me and what you need to do but I just need you to tell me what is it you want to do."   The truth was,  Xiao Bai was scared to know the answer to her question.  At first she hesitated to ask because the answer might not be what she wanted to hear and she knew it will hurt but Xiao Bai had to know how to act going forward.  "Don't soften your answer for me.  I am not some weakling that cannot take rejection.  I won't be angry and I won't blame you if you feel that its too hard for you to have me in your life.  You know, I have no pride when it comes to you but I will never, ever tie you to me if you wanted to be free or you need to be free. I can love you the same way even if I'm not right beside you." Despite her early bravado, she knew she would be devastated if he decided that even if he wanted her, it would be too much for them, that she wouldn't be worth the punishment.  A life without him would be bleak. But as always, she wanted only what was best for him, so she had to give him the choice.  She bit her lips and looked down trying to tamp down the frantic beating of her heart as she waited to know her future.

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