Chapter One

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Chonglin, the head steward to Donghua Dijun stared in shock at the sheen of tears he saw on the normally impassive eyes of his Master. In the 200,000 years that he has been serving Donghua Dijun, the Supreme God of the Universe, Donghua Dijun had always seemed immovable.  Austere and dignified, Donghua kept a tight grip on his emotions at all times.  There was no room for pain and sorrow in his life as he never cared enough about anything to be affected that way.  However, as the God held the hands of the unconscious Fox Queen Bai Feng Jiu between his hands, the steward can clearly see the uncharacteristic pain and the worry in the eyes of Dijun.  Embarrassed at having witnessed such raw emotion, he quickly left the fox cave room where the little Queen was lying in bed leaving the medicine on a ledge by the side of the opening of the cave.  

Chonglin was becoming really worried about Dijun.  Gone was the Donghua Dijun of old that was apathetic. He looked vulnerable as he stayed by the young Queen's bedside.  Chonglin had been trying his best to make the Master as comfortable as possible.  He had moved in a small bed and placed it near the bed of Her Highness but as far as he could tell the Master never used it, preferring to sit up near Her Highness.  Sometimes, he would see him doze when he couldn't fight sleep anymore but it was always beside her.  He only ate sparingly, just enough to sustain him, preferring instead to spend his time reading medical texts on her condition and trying different things to get her to wake up.  From the time Dijun had woken up after collapsing in the cave after the fight with Miao Luo to now six months later, all his energy seem to be spent doing everything he can to wake up the young Queen.

Dijun waved his hand.  The medicine on the ledge suddenly appearing in his hands.  As he prepared the medicine, he brooded over this mystery.  Zhe Yan, the God of Medicine, has been checking up on Feng Jiu every day.  While he has declared the young Queen physically stable for the moment, even he couldn't answer the question of why she has not woken up yet. All they knew was that despite her body cultivating on her own and her stabbed heart slowly healing, her mind has remained silent.  Dijun who has not fully recovered yet but still with a vast reserve of power has been pushed back from time and time again from probing into her mind by a blank wall.  

 Dijun cut his palm and put 3 drops of his golden blood into the medicine.  As he sealed the cut on his hands, he mixed the medicine and slowly spoon fed it to Xiao Bai (that was Dijun's nickname for the young Queen).  He did this automatically as he was preoccupied working on the problem of why he could not probe into her mind.

He was the God created at same time as that of the creation of the Universe.  He has always led a solitary life, never bedeviled by any emotional concerns that could hamper his cultivation.  At the beginning, he had been Emperor of the Universe as he needed to lead it's growth.  Millions of years later, when the Universe was already thriving on its own, he found that he preferred to spend most of his time in seclusion.  To further facilitate his desire to lead an even more solitary life, he had retired from his position as Emperor and appointed a Tianjun who will take over the day to day mundane task of seeing to the affairs of all the realms.   However, all the people and creatures in the Immortal Realms knew that the rank of Emperor was merely a position,  and that Donghua Dijun was still the most powerful being alive.  As long as he was alive, that would never change.      

What most did not know was the true reason he actually needed to seclude himself for a long period of time.  Donghua Dijun was actually the stabilizing force for both the mortal and immortal realms. His essence keeps the wheels of the world turning.  Going into seclusion allows him to  cultivate his power so that he can give back to the Universe.   To be able to withstand such burden upon him, Donghua had to harness all his power beneath an unemotional consciousness.  He had so mastered the art of detachment that he was calm, collected and always, always in control.  If the world was crumbling around him (as it had done, a few times in the past), Donghua Dijun had always been able to work methodically to do what needed to be done to fix the problem.  But this time, he has had to grasped for his usual unflappability as an unfamiliar feeling of anxiety permeated his whole being.  For the first time in his life, he felt fear of the unknown.  He couldn't get to Xiao Bai's mind and for all that he was powerful, Donghua Dijun knew that even he did not hold the thread of life and death in his hands.     

The mind, as we all know, is a wonderful thing.  In its deepest recess, it can save itself if the will was there.  However, when the will was absent, the mind can betray even the strongest body.  When the mind decides to give up, there is no power in all the Universe that can make it reverse itself.   Donghua Dijun, despite all the power he held in his hands, did not know what he would do if he cannot will Xiao Bai's mind back to him.  The one thing that was saving him from hopelessness was his knowledge of Xiao Bai's love for him.  He continually reminded himself when fear tried to claim him that Xiao Bai was willing to do anything, fight anyone including Fate to be with him.  Xiao Bai, who sacrificed and sacrificed to show her love for him, will never give him up.

In the millions of years that he has lived, Donghua Dijun has never imagined that he could love someone and need someone as much as he did his Xiao Bai.  As long as he lived, he will never forget the fear he felt the moment he saw her fly into the chasm to help him.  The way his heart had leapt in terror, a feeling so alien to him that for a moment he stood shock still not knowing what to do.  Nor will he forget his anger at her recklessness. He wanted to curse her for her blind devotion to him that would surely lead to her death.  But if he was being honest, he was more angry at himself for the joy he felt in his heart when he saw her, the queen of his heart.  

In his mind's eyes, Donghua can still see her bleeding as she was stabbed in the heart.  He can see her willing her body to be strong, at least for awhile, so that she could save him.  Donghua had to acknowledge in that instance that Xiao Bai has always been like that with him. She felt that she was his protector.  In all the eons of time that he has lived, for all the lives he had saved, only his Xiao Bai has fought so hard for him believing that her love could keep him safe.  And the truly amazing thing was, she was right.  Despite the almost limitless power he had, she was the one who had saved him.

For a God who has never regretted anything in his life, he finds that the one thing he truly regrets was that he was blind to her for hundreds of years.  He regretted the time he wasted, the moments of love that could have been his if he had allowed that for himself, if he had only seen her.   Donghua Dijun closed his eyes and made a vow with his familiar resolve.  Xiao Bai will live and find her way back to him, he will make sure of it.  She has shown him such devotion and faith that she has saved him from a life of emptiness, now it was his turn to save her.   Fate and the Heavens, whoever was blocking the path can just move out of his way. Because when Donghua Dijun wanted something, he will find a way to get it.  And there was nothing in this life or any other life that Donghua Dijun wanted more than his Xiao Bai.  

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