Chapter Sixteen

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After the high priest had given the final blessings to the marriage and the formal part of the ceremony was over, Donghua was now instructed to lift the veil off the face of Xiao Bai.  Donghua slowly lifted the veil from her face eager to see her beloved face.  The lady guests swooned as once the veil was lifted, Donghua took Xiao Bai's face in his hands and slowly caressed her cheeks and her mouth looking at her with love in his eyes.  He then leaned down to whisper words of love to her.  The guests who have not seen them yet before the wedding couldn't believe what they were witnessing.  Where has the cold, stoic public face of Donghua Dijun?

 "You have crumbs on your lips Xiao Bai.  What have you been eating under the veil?"  Donghua leaned over to whisper to her as he surreptitiously tried to brush the evidence of her mischief under the guise of caressing her. 

"I hid some pastries in my pouch this morning.  I couldn't help myself! I was so hungry and the priest droned on and on.  He read about 10 scrolls!  Just your titles alone took two scrolls!"  Xiao Bai said defending herself.  Because Donghua was the Supreme God of the Universe, his wedding ceremony would naturally involve the most incantations, rituals and traditions.  "I didn't eat noon meal today because I didn't want to ruin my make up and when the high priest started on the 6th scroll, I couldn't help myself anymore."  Xiao Bai said repentantly. 

"Xiao Bai, did I not tell you that your health is the most important?  You're not supposed to skip meals.  I am seriously displeased."  Donghua said sternly as they walked out of the ceremonial hall.  

"Don't be angry Donghua.  I did eat a big breakfast this morning.  I just didn't think that the wedding ceremony would take so long.  Anyway, I ate about 4 pcs of pastry just now so I'm not that hungry.  I'm looking forward to the wedding banquet.  I heard from Chonglin that the best cooks in the immortal realms have been cooking since this morning. I was drooling just looking at the menu.  You're going to be happy about the food tonight, I made sure all your favorites were included. Hey, do you want some pastries, I have some left! Aren't you hungry?"  Looking at Donghua's stern face, Xiao Bai was glad that for once her tongue did not run away from her.  It was actually her mother who had forbidden her to eat.   While Donghua would forgive her instantly, she knew it wouldn't be the same case with other people, her mother included.  

 "I'm not hungry.  Eat more if you need.  All you think about is food Xiao Bai!" Donghua finally relented knowing he couldn't stay angry at her.  He really needed to find a way to monitor her more closely without her being aware of it.


Since the wedding was held in Bihai Cangling where the weather was perfect the whole year round, the wedding banquet was set up outdoors under the moon and the countless stars.  When Donghua and Xiao Bai entered the main banquet area, Xiao Bai couldn't help but be amazed by the beautiful tableau in front of them.  Long tables draped with the most beautiful linens were immaculately laden with flowers and candles.  As the candle lights danced in the  night, golden fireflies illuminated the sky.  The tables were arranged to form a square and in the middle was an elevated dais for the newlyweds.   

Because the couple had invited only family and friends to their wedding, there was a more informal feel to the wedding feast compared to the wedding ceremony itself.  If Donghua had wanted to go up to the dais immediately to avoid talking to anyone else except for Xiao Bai, he did not show it.  Xiao Bai had interlocked her arms with his and had started to pull him with her to greet their family and friends.  

"Cheng Yu! I missed you!  Did you get my letters to you about the ingredients?" Xiao Bai asked as soon as she spotted her friend.  

"Dijun, Dihou! Congratulations on your wedding!"  Cheng Yu said dropping a curtsy.  "Why are you being so formal?"  Xiao Bai asked  letting go of Donghua's arms to give her friend a big hug.  At the corner of her eye, Xiao Bai saw Liansong approaching them.  "Cheng Yu, I see your shadow approaching us." Xiao Bai said teasing her.  Cheng Yu blushed a bright red.  "What's happening between the two of you anyway?  Tell me later!"  she whispered hurriedly before Liansong could hear them.  

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