Chapter Forty Five

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"And so, we meet again."  Fate said in her signature raspy voice as she materialized in front of Donghua Dijun as Donghua entered the Spiritual Realm where the Rocks of Incantation was.  Donghua's eyes widened a fraction as he was not expecting to see Fate, however, he quickly masked his surprise with his usual cold, placid face.  Fate chuckled as if she knew that she had unsettled him.  Although, Donghua was aware that the Rocks of Incantation was another manifestation of Fate in a corporeal form just like the Books of Fate, Fate rarely, if ever, showed herself unless specifically summoned by one of the three Gods that had achieved enough spiritual enlightenment to have the power to do so.  But Donghua Dijun, the Supreme God of the Universe, the only God present now, definitely did not summon her to this meeting.  He didn't know why she was here, but if history was any indication, he knew it was not for something good.  It's a good thing Xiao Bai's not here with me. Not that the old crone can do anything to her, not with me around.  "A shame you did not bring the young Queen."  she continued as if reading his mind, "I would have loved to meet her."  Donghua narrowed his eyes remaining silent wondering what it was she wanted from him or Xiao Bai.  He wondered, too, at her statement as both of them knew that Xiao Bai would not have been able  to enter this spiritual realm, much less meet with her.  Fate and the Rocks can only be seen by a limited number of Immortals that have been granted this special privilege by the Heavens. Hence, the reason why it was Donghua who had come.  If it did not have any potential effect on the alliance between the Sea Gods and the Sky Kingdom and  the Immortal Realms in general, and if it did not have anything to do with A'Li, he would not have even bothered to be there.

"I'm here to check the marriage fate of the Crown Prince A'Li." he finally said, a trace of impatience in his voice.  She cocked her head to the side as if assessing his demand.  Then, she swept her fingers and the Rocks of Incantation suddenly appeared before him.  It was easy to find A'Li's name among the other names as Fate had highlighted it.   Hao A'Li-Mei Yi Lan.  So A'Li's marriage fate is with the Sea Princess and not the demon goddess despite his professions of love for the demoness.  Donghua knew though that love can sometimes be unpredictable as there were times that he could see some interest in A'Li's eyes when he's talking about the Sea Princess even as he refused to agree to the marriage pact.  This should prove interesting, as well as challenging.  He thought.  For the Rock only told of marriage fates and not of love.  

"Did you expect it to be different?  Crown Prince A'Li is about to be engaged to her, isn't he?  Fate usually works the way its supposed to."  she said sarcastically interrupting his thoughts, referring to herself in the third person as it was easier.  "No one has the ability to change what Fate has decreed, no matter who you are and how much you may want to." He could hear the mocking tone in her voice now, he knew they weren't talking about A'Li anymore, he knew exactly what she was referring to.  It took everything in him not to summon his Cang'he and drive it into her.  Instead, he turned his back to her preparing to leave.  But before he could teleport himself out, she manifested in front of him.  "Don't you want to see your young Queen's marriage Fate again before you leave?" she continued in the same mocking tone.  She emphasized the word "your" as if he would be confused as to who they were talking about.  Of course she knew that before the events at the Miaoyi Chasm, Donghua Dijun had gone to see what was inscribed on the Rock for Xiao Bai.  Donghua would never forget the pain he felt when he had seen, Wen Chang Dijun-Bai Feng Jiu, inscribed on the Rocks, knowing that it was his foolishness that had caused it and he was just not inclined to see it again.  Just the thought that he will not be with his Xiao Bai created a paroxysm of panic within him.  He clenched his fist at his back even as his face remained neutral.  

He was about to just teleport out and ignore her when he remembered what Si Ming had told him about the Books of Fate.  What was the old crone planning?  Fate had never been inclined to show the Gods what they had not asked for but now she was volunteering to show him Xiao Bai's marriage fate even when she knew that he had seen it before.  He nodded his head at her before he could second guess himself wanting Fate to play her hand.  It was better to know everything he could that had the potential to affect Xiao Bai.  Besides, it didn't matter,  Xiao Bai was his.  It doesn't matter whose name was linked on the Rock with hers, she was his.  She was always going to be his, he would make sure of that. 

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