Chapter Twenty Seven

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The kidnapping of the Fox Queen happened not in the main village square but in the alley behind one of the rows of houses in one of the oldest part of town.  It was so masterfully done that after it was over, none who were present during the abduction had a clue as to who could have done it.  

General AnHuier continued to observe the Queen for the next two weeks.  He noticed that while she was accompanied by different family members every time she was out, the one who was always with her was the young child.  AnHuier had subsequently learned from some of the revelers that the child was A'Li, the son of the Crown Prince Ye Hua and Princess Bai Qian.  Whenever he was in Qingqiu, which was often, he would spend all his time with his cousin, the Fox Queen.  Since this was the first time AnHuier had seen the young Queen in her original setting, he was struck by her youthfulness.  During the Trial, she had seemed so mature and regal.  True she was often seen smiling.  But now, with her young cousin, you can clearly see how playful and exuberant she was, flitting from one stall to another buying everything from candies, to masks, to embroidered purses.  He realized that she was only 42,000 years old, too young really to be the Queen of a Realm.  No wonder the old God had created a fortress around her.  AnHuier felt a little pang at what he intended to do.  But, the Demon Clan had continued to subjugate more and more of his people as the years went on.  He could not continue seeing that and not go to their aid using whatever means he had at his disposal.

As he mapped out his strategy to capture the young Queen, he recognized that her cousin was the key. On the last day before the end of the festival, he found the right opportunity.  AnHuier had noticed that the child liked sweets a lot and frequented a stall selling candied sugar.  As luck would have it, the sweets stall was not on the main avenue but rather on a little street on the side of the uninhabited old houses which led to a dead end.  Every time the Queen and her cousin were out in public, inevitably, they would end up on that street buying the candies.  The two would then happily eat their candies as the young child would run hereto and fro in and out of the old houses.  The young Queen chasing after him.  He noticed that the Sentries will place themselves at the opening of the street but would not go into the street itself.  Before the young Queen will get there, they would double check the old houses to make sure no one was there and then once the young Queen and her cousin would arrive, they would just stay at the other end of the street guarding its entrance.  

That day, the young Queen and her young charge were actually with General Bai Zhen at first, but the General had seen some comrade of his and stopped to chat for a few minutes waving at the young Queen to go ahead to the candy stall.  The Sentries had stationed themselves as usual in the entrance of the street.  AnHuier had been hiding in one of the old houses for a few days now waiting for the perfect opportunity.  Once the young child entered the old house, he put a lethargy spell against him rendering him unconscious.  A few minutes later, the young Queen herself entered the old house looking for A'Li.  As she was calling for him, AnHuier jumped down behind her, covered her nose and mouth with a handkerchief soaked in deep sleep potion and teleported themselves out of the old houses.  It was only about 30 minutes later that the Sentries realized that the young Queen had been taken.  They had no idea who took her as AnHuier did not leave any clues behind.


Xiao Bai woke up with a slight headache and her hand bound in heavy iron.  She was lying on a small cot in a cavern lighted by a single orb. She squinted trying to make out if there was someone with her. She tried to lift up her her body into a sitting position as it was aching from having been in the same position apparently for a significant period of time.  She realized she didn't even know how long she had been there. "Hello? Anyone here?" She said as calmly as she could. Although she was a little scared, it didn't seem that she had been harmed yet so she decided that it would be make more sense for her to know what was happening rather than to pretend to still be unconscious so she would be left alone. She knew she could not use her magic as her hand have been bound by iron. It seems that whoever took her knew a lot about her and the fox realm. An immortal's magic was not usually subjugated by any form of restraints. It was only in the Fox Realm that there was a little quirk in that design.  The strength of their magic can be lessened by an iron restraint.  It was usually hard to get an iron restraint on them in the first place since  at the first sign of danger, they can usually transform to their fox form and scamper away.  She tried to move her hands a little but found that when she stretched them, there was a ward in front of her imprisoning her.

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