Chapter Seven

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(Note: This chapter has some mature contents :))

After snuggling into Donghua for a few minutes, Xiao Bai lifted up her head suddenly  remembering something. "Why do they keep calling me Di Hou? I wasn't crowned Empress. They shouldn't be calling me that! That's so embarrassing!"

Donghua raised one eyebrow and said, "Why shouldn't they call you that? You are my wife and as I am the Emperor, naturally you're my Empress."

"Umm, but we didn't go through with our marriage rites and the official crowning rites. So it's improper for me to consider myself Empress and for them to call me that." Xiao Bai said quietly.  She really didn't want to think about the aborted marriage rites which would have conferred the official sanction on their marriage.  Even though Donghua had registered their marriage with Nuwa, it wasn't official until after the marriage rites.  In addition, the title of Empress can only be conferred upon the crowning rites.  "Anyway, title and ceremony is unimportant.  I will just ask them to call me Feng Jiu and during official functions, they can call me Fox Queen, my official title."  Donghua hasn't mentioned anything about proceeding with the marriage rites, maybe he needs time to arrange certain things or maybe it's not his top priority now with so many things to do.  Maybe it's better this way, I have time to convince my family that being with Donghua is good for me.  After the huge wedding debacle last time, better not to think about it first. Donghua and I are as good as married anyway.

"Xiao Bai, I've already ordered Chonglin to start the preparation of our wedding.  You need to rest for a few weeks here but the day after we reach Bihai Cangling, the marriage rites will take place!  Anyway, I already consider  you my wife, the marriage rites will just make it official. We won't invite so many people just family and friends so that you won't get overly tired.  I don't know when we will do the ceremonial rites, I think we should have it done at Tian Chun Palace as I don't want so many people in Bihai Cangling.  Let's decide on that once you have recovered."  Donghua said while thinking of what to give Xiao Bai as a marriage gift.  He was so preoccupied thinking that he almost missed what Xiao Bai was muttering to herself:  "I need time to reconvince my whole family that this is a good idea.  How to do that?"  When she noticed that Donghua was looking at her speculatively, she realized that she was talking out loud.  Quickly, she gave a small smile to Donghua and kissed his cheeks.  That always distracted him before.  She knew it probably wouldn't work this time but she liked giving him kisses as it always made him happy.

"Why do you need to convince your family Xiao Bai?" asked Donghua, clearly not distracted at all.  

"Hmm, well as you know, the last time we were planning to do the ceremony, things didn't go as well as expected.  So now my family may be a little tiny bit prejudiced against you. But no matter, I have a plan in mind.  First, you need to summon them here to say that I might not make it after all.  Tell Chonglin and God Zhe Yan not to let them know that I have woken up.  So when they get here, I will pretend to be slowly waking up.  I will then say that it's my dying wish to be united with your in an official wedding rite.  They will pity me so much that they will agree to anything I want. Isn't that a great plan Dijun? Don't worry they will believe me, I'm a great actress you know!"  Xiao Bai said proudly, thinking how smart she was to think of that plan.

"Xiao Bai, first of all, never ever say you're dying in front of me again whether in jest or otherwise.  Or else I will be very angry with you. You know my heart can't take that.  Second, the minute you woke up, we have already informed your family of it.  The only reason that they are not here clamoring to see you is that I have limited the number of people who can enter your room as you need to rest, only people directly connected with your recovery are allowed the enter the fox cave, the rest are barred until you feel a little bit better.  Third, you don't have to worry about your family accepting our marriage.  I will take care of it.  I will talk to your grandfather and father and assure them of my sincerity and devotion to you.  All you need to do is rest.  Understand? I don't want you to keep worrying, it will not do your cultivation good.

"Okay Donghua. I trust you. I know you'll take care of everything for me!" Xiao Bao said solemnly, but inside she was so happy that she felt that her heart will burst. 

"Donghua, I just thought of something! I think I forgot to tell you before.  Ah, so you know, we foxes mate for life right?  We only have one true love so once we get married, that's it! We cannot be with anyone else.  The husband or wife whether or not they are foxes also must  follow this custom.  This is the law of our land.  I know the gods are allowed to take more than one wife but if a god marries a fox, he or she will have to follow the customs of Qingqiu.  Do you understand what I'm saying to you, Donghua?

"Not really? What exactly is it that you are trying to say Xiao Bai?  Are you sure this is the custom in Qingqiu that the spouse must follow the rules laid down by the fox clan? I didn't know you were such an expert on the rules of marriage."  teased Dijun knowing exactly what Xiao Bai was trying to get him to say.

"Of course it is! I'm sure you're not that familiar with our customs but I have been trained in all our customs so I can be considered an expert at it!" Xiao Bai nodded her head as if she's the foremost authority on Qingqiu customs.  "I can't believe I have to explain this to you.  I thought you were supposed to be the most intellectual deity in all the Universe.  Anyway, since the gods apparently have a lower threshold when it comes to intellect, you have to listen carefully!  What I'm saying is that once we get married, you're not allowed to be involved or get married with anyone else.  If some other girl approaches you, you have to ignore them or run away from them.  If they persist in talking to you, you have to tell them that you're not interested because you're owned by someone else already.  Is that clear enough for you? Now, do you understand what I'm trying to say?

"Yes I think I understand now despite my lower intellectual threshold. Thank you for explaining to me" Donghua smiled.  Xiao Bai really had a way with words.  "If another girl approaches me, I should run and ignore them but if they still want to talk to me, I will say that I belong to Xiao Bai and only Xiao Bai, correct?."  Xiao Bai mutely nodded her head and looked into the mesmerizing eyes of Donghua.  He really had the most wonderful eyes.  And his lips, they look so kissable.  We're married, nothing wrong if I get a taste right?

Slowly, Xiao Bai raised both of her hands and wrapped one hand around his neck and placed the other hand behind his head as she pulled him down for a kiss.  Intending for it to only be a short kiss, she was surprised when Donghua flipped her under him and started to devour her mouth hungrily like a thirsty desert dweller seeing water for the first time.  After a few breathless moment of kissing.  Donghua went up for air panting slightly.  Xiao Bai took this opportunity to lick his lips and to slip her tongue inside his mouth.  Not wanting to be outdone Donghua slowly sucked on Xiao Bai's tongue until he felt her moaning and writhing all over him.  Donghua then started to nuzzle and lick Xiao Bai's neck, kissing her behind her ears which he knew she loved.  I should stop this. She's still recuperating. She's in no condition to be doing this right now.  But it was as if he had no control over his hands at it slipped under Xiao Bai's gown.  His hands slowly inched its way up until it reached her breast.  He slowly kneaded the milky white globe, loving the feel of her under his hands.  Xiao Bai continued to moan and writhe under him as he continued his dual ministration of alternately licking and kissing her neck, her mouth and kneading her breast.

"Donghua, I need you, I love you." Xiao Bai's hands were now underneath the clothing of Donghua as she haphazardly ran her hands all over his body.  She wrapped her legs around his waist as she vigorously rubbed her petals against his hardness. "Xiao Bai, we have to stop.  You're not well yet.  I might hurt you!"  He tried to extricate himself from her but she held her grip. "You're not going to hurt me Donghua! I trust you!" Xiao Bai's eyes filled with such love that Donghua could not look away.  He could never resist her.  As he slowly entered her, his gaze locked with hers and he realized the irrevocable fact that whether in this life or any life, Xiao Bai was always going to be Donghua's home.

Thank the heavens that his Xiao Bai was so tenacious when it came to him.

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