Chapter Thirty

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General AnHuier woke up feeling as if his entire cultivation was being stripped from his body. As he grappled with his surroundings, he realized that both his hands and feet were chained to the walls and ceiling, his hands bound by the exact same iron manacles that he had bound the young Queen with. He didn't need to look up to know who was in the prison cell with him, he can feel the power around him. Apparently, Donghua Dijun would be personally conducting the interrogation of the prisoner. When AnHuier finally looked up, he could see the purple robed God sitting on a divan calmly preparing tea. If not for the situation he was in, AnHuier would have laughed at the incongruity and absurdity of it all. The old God finally looked at him, his usual cold face replaced by a smile of controlled savagery that had all the hairs in the General's body stand on end. AnHuier forced himself to stare at the old God defiantly. Seeing the defiance, Donghua smile became a little bit crueler. Oh how he would enjoy the questioning.

"For what purpose did you abduct my wife?" Donghua asked softly emphasizing Xiao Bai's role in his life. Hearing him refer to the young Queen as his wife sent a painful jolt to AnHuier's heart. He continued to stare at the old God refusing to answer. Donghua merely smiled again drinking from his teacup. Then AnHuier felt it, a powerful force penetrating his mind. He tried to block it but his mind could not withstand the onslaught. He felt a jolt of power being pushed into his subconscious making him cry out as searing pain permeated his whole being. "I heard that you were not allowed to participate in the Ascension Trials? Don't worry, today you will be able to finally experience it." the old God said conversationally in between jolts of power. "I ask you again, what was your purpose?" Donghua turned up the intensity.

"I wanted to save my people! I was trying to save them." AnHuier screamed, no longer able to withstand the continued invasion against his mind, the pain incomprehensible. Donghua paused. "Why did you need my wife and her blood for that?" During the recounting of the events that happened in the Cavern, Xiao Bai had told Donghua that every morning, the General would prick her fingers and get a few drops of blood from her, she didn't really know the details of why he was doing it aside from him mentioning in the beginning that he needed it to save some people. That was what had really concerned Donghua, for Xiao Bai's blood was very powerful, not only because of its cleansing power but it had Donghua's golden blood mixed into it as he had been using his blood to hasten her cultivation. He had wondered if the General was taking it for himself to increase his cultivation exponentially or for something more sinister.

When the General did not answer immediately, Donghua pressed into his mind again adding an extra layer of potency. "I needed it to cleanse the spirit of the Beasts that have been sealed." he said panting. Before Donghua could continue his questions, AnHuier volunteered, "But I never took her blood." Donghua looked at him skeptically. "I just pretended to take it but I never took any, not one drop. I was told by the Seer of Bashi that I would need to use the blood of the Fox Queen to cleanse the spirit of the beasts that I was unsealing before I could use them. But when I met the young Queen, I knew I couldn't do it, I couldn't put any part of her pureness on those vile creatures." he continued. Donghua looked at him thoughtfully, as if trying to gauge whether or not to believe him. Then he gave a small nod.

"Maybe it would be better if you start from the beginning." the old God finally said, a warning in his voice. "I want to know exactly what you were planning to do and why. Don't skip anything." The General felt the intrusive power withdraw from his mind. He immediately felt better as he could think more clearly. He debated where to start. AnHuier was a practical man, he knew that there was no use delaying the inevitable. Sooner or later, the General knew without a shadow of a doubt, that the old God would have everything out of him anyway.

"I don't know if you're familiar with the issues between the Ghost Clan and Demon Clan but suffice to say, for the past few millenia, the Demon Clan has been capturing my people and subjugating them. The Demon Clan would like to make it appear that my people were hired as servants but in actuality, they are actually indentured slaves. They have been taken against their wills and expected to work for whoever has captured them from the Demon Clan with no freedom, they are not even compensated for their work." he paused for a moment. Donghua nodded indicating that he should continue. "We've made several appeals to Tai Chen Palace but apparently, we're not worth looking after despite our alliance with the gods. Nobody wanted to help us." AnHuier said bitterly. "So I had to find a way to help my people myself."

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