Chapter Thirty Five

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"Chonglin greets Dijun!  Reporting to Dijun that Dihou is currently rearranging the furniture by herself in the cub holes (baby room)!"  Donghua looked up from the text he was reading to regard the harried looking Chonglin.   Xiao Bai was always rearranging the furniture in their bamboo house and now she was obsessed with redecorating the cub holes, it was nothing new.

"What's the problem?  You know she can do whatever she wants."  Donghua said.  Xiao Bai was probably putting furniture in places that were not in the usual setting.  She had very unusual ideas sometimes.

"Reporting to Dijun, she's moving them BY HERSELF."  Chonglin emphasized the last two words looking alarmed.  Donghua immediately disappeared.

When he appeared in the cub holes a second later, he found his 9 month pregnant wife physically pushing one of the cribs to another part of the room without the use of magic and without the help of the servants.  She was panting and sweating from exertion.  All the servants were hovering around her trying to help her or stop her from what she was doing.  However, as soon as Dijun appeared in the room, they all immediately left the room rightfully fearing his wrath.  Upon seeing him, Xiao Bai stopped what she was doing and smiled that special smile she always had for Donghua.   

"What are you doing?  Why are you moving the crib by yourself?  What are you thinking? You're heavily pregnant, you should be resting not moving things around!" he said to her as soon as he could calm himself down trying to fight against the temptation to shout.  He could feel the vein on his forehead popping.  His normal unflappability gone.

Xiao Bai's face fell.  "Are you saying I'm fat and ugly?  I'm only fat because of the babies husband.  Once they're born I'll be light and beautiful again.  " she said forlornly, a sheen of tears in her eyes.  Donghua closed his eyes for a moment and rubbed his forehead.  Were all pregnant women this emotional?  How did other men stand this? The mood swings of Xiao Bai in the last few months of her pregnancy were driving even him crazy.

"Xiao Bai, you know you're the most beautiful Goddess in the Universe.  Your pregnancy only makes you more beautiful.  See how your face is glowing brightly now." he said in a soothing voice as he wiped the sweat from her face.  "I just don't want you exerting yourself.  You need to rest.  You know how I worry about you my Xiao Bai."  He was really getting worried about her as she seems to be doing the opposite of what she should be doing which was resting.  Last night, she even cooked him ten of his favorite food telling him that he probably feels that she's been neglecting him because of the babies.  No matter his protest, that morning, she cooked him another ten dishes for his breakfast.  

"I'm sorry for worrying you husband. I just wanted to do something special for the babies.  I'm their mother, I should be able to give them a nice, warm space to sleep in.  That side of the cave looks better with natural sunlight.  Don't you think?  I want to use my own two hands to move the cribs and not magic!" High God Zhe Yan had warned Dijun that when a woman's time was near,  her nesting instincts kicked in and she may want to do things that may appear irrational to others.  This was apparently one of those instances.

"What if I'll be the one to move them myself Xiao Bai? I'm their father so if I do it, it will be exactly the same as if you're doing it.  We're like one person?  Isn't that right my love? So just sit down, eat something as I know you're hungry again.  I'll take care of the furniture.  Whatever you want me to do." She looked at him seriously considering his words.  

"That makes sense, we are like one person.  If you do it, it would be the same as if I was doing it myself.  You can't use magic though."  she finally said.  Donghua nodded solemnly.  

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