Victor's expression was very well behaved as he nodded and said, "Yes, yes. We spent over a thousand dollars on the walls for this venue, and the camera they smashed was worth 200,000 dollars."

Qi Xun: "?!" Wait a minute! What the heck! How come you're not behaving as expected!

The two policemen took photos of the pictures posted on the walls as well as the broken camera, then said, "We'll have to trouble you to come with us."

Qi Xun's expression was still bewildered as he said, "Wait a minute! Police buddy! I want to sue them for infringement!"

"I've already said that infringement isn't within our jurisdiction." The policeman said.


Qi Xun's heart felt as if there were ten thousand mud and grass horses galloping over it. Victor was really not playing cards according to the rules!

He looked left and right and felt that the situation was no longer favorable for him. He whistled sharply, pushed the two policemen out of the way, and led his brothers to rush out the door!

Police: "......" What kind of situation was this? They were only planning to bring them in for questioning, but their reaction was so fierce, making it seem as though they were about to arrest them or something?

In fact, after behaving too much like thieves, people would naturally feel fear in their hearts when they encountered the police. Even if the matter was very minor, Qi Xun was still unwilling to follow the police to the police station.

Therefore, he rushed to the door and at the moment where he happily pushed open the door--

There was a loud bang.

A transparent glass cage dropped down and covered Qi Xun and his gang completely.

The police's expressions were a little strange as they used their system authority to stick Qi Xun's hands together. "Do people still run off like this in this day and age? Don't they know that we can catch people directly? How unexpected."

Victor gleefully came forward and shook hands with the police. "Comrades, it's been tough. Thank you."

Police: "Oh, it's fine. Little brother, you look like an upright person. In the future, just make a police report when dealing with people like this."

Victor: "Alright, alright. We are all law-abiding citizens, right?"


Outside the room, Tyron couldn't hold back his smile as he pulled his cap a little lower.

... He had originally intended to help out when it became necessary, but he hadn't expected his Little Vic to be so impressive.

As the police left with Qi Xun and his people, Tyron quietly walked over.

People were coming and going on the street, and nobody paid any attention to Tyron in his disguise.

He casually walked through an alley, holding a large copy of a famous painting, 'Starry Night', in his hands as he passed a group of people.

The policemen's footsteps only paused for a second as they let him pass first, and they didn't notice anything out of the ordinary when he walked by.

But Qi Xun happened to see the picture of a starry sky as it passed by.

He froze for a moment, and his eyes became unfocused.

Qi Xun: The sky is so beautiful, I... I should be an old dog. Am I looking at the sky? Ah, right, I'm an old dog!

The next second.

Vanguard of the Eternal Night (BL)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now