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Eight years later

"Kai Aerik Evans, I am disappointed on you" I shout on my son who is sitting on the couch, looking at his phone, "I never expected this from you, You are seventeen already but still so irresponsible".

"Chill mom it's not that big deal" he says calmly as if my scolding doesn't even matter to him. And this made me more angry.

"Shut up and look at me when I am talking to you" I say sternly and he placed his phone aside immediately and sits straight.

"Yes mam" he says.

"What happened princess, why are you shouting at my little son early in the morning" Aerik says as he kiss my cheeks.
"Your son is not little anymore, he has grown up too fast" I glare at Kai who was sitting on the couch with his face balanced on his palm.

"You don't know what he did" I say, placing my both hand on my waist.

"What did he do now?" He asks as he picks an apple and sit on the couch infront of Kai.

"His teacher called me, he was caught with girl" I say angrily.

"What? I mean wow it's a good news, my son has grown up" Aerik says and I look at him in disbelief.

"Thanks dad, I love you" Kai says smiling at his dad.

"I love you too son, well who's the lucky girl".

"Ask him who are those lucky girls".

"What?" Aerik looks at me confused.
I sighed.

"It wouldn't have been a problem if he would date a girl but he was caught making out with four different girls in a month, can you believe it".

"Wohhhh, I didn't see that coming" Aerik says surprised.

"Come on mumma, you can't choose the best if you don't test the others" he says and I glare at him.

"Who taught you this stupid things?" I ask.

"My favourite uncle"

"I am going to kill him today" I huff angrily.

"It's not right baby" Aerik says, "You should not break anyone's heart just because your own benefits, didn't I tell you about your Lily aunty".

"Dad I didn't hurt them, they come to me themselves" Kai says.

"Baby" I sit beside him and turn him towards me, "Remember one thing, you don't need to test anyone to find your one and only, you will understand when you meet her, your heart will give you signals. Love never comes by force, it's can happen anywhere, anytime and with anyone, got it?".

"I know mumma, it's just I am not sure if i'll ever get someone who'll love me like you and dad" he says sighed.

"You'll get the one son, I know you will, you believe me right?" Aerik says ruffling his hairs.

"More than myself dad" he smiles, "But I can't promise I won't see anyone till then"

I roll my eyes, this boy will never change.

"Now get ready, your uncle Louis and aunt Becky must be coming to pick us, your uncle Chim has invited us for Daniel's birthday remember?" I say.

"Shit!" Kai holds his head, "Gosh mom, I totally forgot to wish Daniel, he is gonna kill me, I need to buy a perfect gift or else-, wait a min, uncle Louis and aunt Beck. Why are they coming to pick us? we can go ourself"

"We can but I thought it'll be good if we go together and don't you like it with uncle and aunt?"

"I like to spend time with them but you know if they'll come it means she will come too" he pouts.

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