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Aerik brought Lily to his mansion, Lily was amazed by seeing the big mansion because she always wanted to live in a big mansion like this. Money was always her weakness.

She was more than happy when she knew that Aerik is a big star now.

One side Aerik was trying his best to take care of her. On the other side he was missing Aera.

Lily tried to kiss him many time but he always made some excuses and diverted the moment.

Aerik used to stay at his room which is her's now till she feel asleep and after that he used to go and sleep in Aera's room cuddling her clothes.

Aerik used to get Aera's call everyday but never received because he knew that She will understand the uneasiness in his voice. He also never replied her messages.

He ignored her for total seven days even though he was dying to talk to her and the day when Aera came back and hugged him he felt relief, he was going to hug her back but then he saw how terrified Lily was so he removed her hands and went to her.

*Flashback Ends*

Aera's POV

"I am so sorry I was not there with you when you needed me the most"
I said while my head is on his chest

"It's not your fault princess, I should be the one saying sorry for ignoring you" he said caressing my hairs.

"I know you didn't do it on purpose, anyone in your place would have done that and I promise you that we all will help you to take care of Lily" I smiled.

"If you want than I can try to explain her about our relation now" Aerik said.

"No Aerik we can't take any risk with her health and anyways we were always in an underground romance and why not we try to play the role inside too. And She knows or not doesn't change the fact that you are mine, only mine, but yes if I see you getting too close to her I can't assure you anything" I said playing serious.

"That's what I am trying, she has been trying to get close to me from the very first day, all this time I make some excuse and change the topic but I don't know how much time can I stop her"

"Well I know how to keep her away from you, I won't let her do anything to my things, but if I caught you close to her I promise Mr. Handsome you you won't be hansome anymore" I said sternly looking at his eyes. He chuckled.

"My princess is getting bold day by day I see"

"You have still not seen my bond side" I said flipping my hairs.

"Oh really then let me see how bold you are" he said but I didn't understand anything.

"What do you mea-" before I could complete my sentence he pressed his lips on mine, I immediately responded to his kiss, he laid me slowly on the bed and hovered on me.

The kiss was passionated, his hands were roaming inside my shirt. Then he broke the kiss and started kissing my jaw then my collarbone and started opening my shirt button, my eyes were closed but when he opened the third button of my shirt my eyes shot opened, I understood his intentions. I held his hand.

"Aerik stop" I said

"Why" he wined like a child.

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