Chapter- 28(Daisy Smith)

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"You ungrateful, stupid fool" this is what I got to hear as soon as I received the call.

"Calm down Daisy" I said

"Calm down my foot, first of all, you went New York without me and secondly you came back yesterday and didn't even find it important to inform me, you are the worst friend" she shouts while breathing heavily. God she is mad as hell.

I laughed awkwardly "Don't be mad, you know you were busy this month and this was my only chance, and I was busy in unpacking yesterday and for compensation I have a big surprise for you"

"What surprise?" she asked

"Big surprise, not only one but two and you are going thank me thousand times for this so meet me at our usual place after an hour okay now I have to go bye"

"But-" I didn't let her complete and hanged the call because I know she will ask me hundreds of questions until I tell her the surprise.

I placed my phone near the bed and went to the balcony. I took a deep breath.

I was worried about Aerik, he didn't call me for once and didn't even received my calls nor replied my messages. I hope he is doing fine. I miss him.

"Aera" my mom shouts

" Yes mumma"

"Come down lunch is ready"

Leaving all the thoughts behind I went downstairs.

Mom was serving the dishes and Dad, Kookie and Lex were sitting on the chairs.

Dad is on leave because he wants to spend his full time with his son.
They were chatting and laughing about something but my mind was stuck in New York.

I sat between Dad and Lex and Kookie opposite to us.

"Mom we are going out after lunch" I said as she sat beside Kookie.

"Where?" Lex asked while stuffing food in his mouth I turned to him and smirked, he rolled his eyes, he got my sign.

"You know mom, to meet my future sister-in-law" I said grinning ear to ear. Mom and Dad started laughing.

"You mean Daisy?" Dad asked smirking too.

"Yup Dad" 

"I like her, she is a lovely girl" Mom said looking at Lex then she turned towards Kookie 

"You know son, oneday Alex came home crying and when I asked him the reason, he said Daisy kissed him forcefully, do you remember Alex?" Mom said and burst into laugh.

"Mom! stop it, she told me that she wants to tell me something and when I went closer to her she kissed me all of a sudden" Lex stated crossing his hands on his chest.

Kookie was just laughing so hard that sound was not coming from his mouth. 

"But nowdays she is on some boy what was his name again Aera? Yes some one David I guess"  I turned my gaze at Kookie grinning and his smile dropped. He choked on air. Lex started laughing this time.

After lunch we chatted for a while and I dragged Lex and Kookie with me to meet Daisy. I want to see her reaction when she meet them both. I mean she will get thousand volt current. Her both crush and ex-crush are meeting her.

"Where are we going? we are not even wearing our mask" Kookie said while walking.

"You don't need that place is safe" I assure him.

I took them to the old park which is closed now, the owner of that park has sold it years back and they are thinking what to do with that place so right now its all deserted because no one goes there. And we made it our special place because no one is there to disturb.

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