Chapter-33 (I love my life because you are my life)

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"Wow, it's just amazing" Chim comments.

"All the dishes here are our favourite" Here came Kookie's.

"How did you know, all our favourite dishes" Jimmy ask and I just smile in return

"Is there something special today?" Finally my stupid brother.

Yes it's a very special day today.
But I didn't say this to them.

"Nothing special, just I felt like cooking" I replied shortly.

"How did you know I like egg tarts and orange juice" Lily says with not so pleased face and I point towards Aerik as he smiles at her and she smiles back.

They are sitting beside each other and I can see from under that they are holding each other's hands, maybe Lily is holding Aerik's hand, which he can't deny ofcourse. But unexpectedly I am not feeling bad, maybe because I have accepted that this is what destiny wants.

"It's so tasty" Kookie says munching on his pancakes with extra honey, which I made for him as he likes.

I glance at everyone enjoying their food, a small smile made its way towards my lips.
"Chim can you click a photo for me" I say as I pulled my phone from my pocket and handed him.
He adjusts the phone in such a way that all of us can be captured together, he clicked some photos, some funny, some happy and some where my eyes were glittering with tears which I wiped before anyone could see.

Everyone continued eating with a smile on their face and I was happy that they like the food I made for them, maybe the last one.

While eating I glanced at Aerik time to time, he was looking not so happy, I don't know what was bothering him?
But he was lost somewhere in his thoughts.

We finished our breakfast and then I carried the empty dishes to the sink while Kookie and Chim helped me and Jimmy pleaded that he wants to do the dishes as I made the food.

While Aerik, Louis and Lex were given the work to clean the table.
It's felt so good working together as family. Lily went to her room which is actually Aerik's room to get ready as she has an appointment with doctor.
Louis is going to accompany her as Aerik has some work atleast it's was he said.

After sometime Louis and Lily left and others went to there room saying that they have some work but I know they just wanted to give us some privacy.

Aerik dragged me to the kitchen because according to him, he noticed that I didn't eat anything and I gave an excuse that I am not feeling like eating which is actually true, this morning sickness has not left my side since I got pregnant even after my mis...
It's really hard to even think about it.

Aerik made me sit on the counter and started preparing something, when I asked he said it's just a drink to remove my morning sickness.

This kitchen counter holds a different feeling, it has become our romance spot.

He handed me an apple as I sit on the counter folding my legs taking small bites of the apple like a small kid.
I just wanted to enjoy each moment.

Aerik came to me with a glass of juice in his hand and a plate in other hand.

"Here drink this lemonade, it will remove the bitterness from your mouth" he handed me the glass, "And this is my secret dish, I used to eat it when I used to get car sickness for traveling far places".

He brought the spoon near my mouth and I take it
"Umm it's really helps, what is it?".

"It is made of curd, rice, some fresh mint leaves and lots of love" I smile.

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