Grumpy Beginnings

Start from the beginning

Tom rolled his eyes. "Oh gee, lemme just look at my neck. Oh wait, I can't! I'm not a contortionist. And I'm not Matt. I don't have any mirrors on me 24/7."

"I know you're not, Love. Just, move your hand. I want to see if it broke any blood vessels or nerves." Tord stated.

Tom moved the cloth and groaned as Tord gently moved Tom's head, making sure he could still move everything. Tord sighed with relief. "Okay, you seem fine, but-...!"

"What the fuck happened in here?!"

Tord turned to see who spoke. Whereas Tom shouted, "language!" angrily.

Tord gasped. "Edd. Give us a minute before we deal with your bull...crap."

"What did you do to Matt?!" Edd cried.

"The man who held a knife up to my neck?! That's Matt?!" Tom spat angrily.

Edd ran to the man and took off the black ski mask he was wearing. Matt sat terrified! "Edd! You said Tim would be happy to see us..."

"It's Tom." Tom mumbled.

Edd sighed. "I thought so too! But, I said to use the knife as self defence. Not to hurt someone..."

"They had guns! They were going to shoot me!" Matt cried out.

"And I still won't hesitate." Tord snarled. He placed a bandage onto Tom's neck and smiled. "There! Are you feeling better?"

Tom smiled and held Tord's hand. "Much. Thank you, Tordy." Tom gave Tord a gentle peck on the cheek, then turned to Marie, who was frowning intensely at Edd and Matt. Tord smiled at her. "Darling?"

Marie turned to look at Tord. And Tord nodded. Marie frowned and spat. "G-g-go a-away!" Tord smiled and held her close to his chest. "Good job honey! You did amazing!" Marie smiled shyly. And Tom smiled as he held Torin and he fell back asleep.

Edd sighed. "Look, guys can we talk?"

Tom sighed. "Ignoring the fact that you broke in? Yeah. Sure." Tom said sarcastically as he stood up and walked past him, and Tord followed. The put their kids down to bed. Smiling and giggling as they smile and coo over their amazing bundles of joy. Tord smiled. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

Tom nodded and rested his head against Tord's shoulder. Tord picked up Tom and smiled. He was holding Tom's thighs as Tom wrapped his arms gently around Tord's neck. He carried him to their room. Tom yawned and mumbled a small, "I'm tired..." into Tord's ear.

Tord frowned. "I know, Love." He grabbed a baby monitor and turned to Edd and Matt. "Follow." Was all he said before walking out of the room. Edd and Matt sheepishly followed as Tom sighed and nestled his head in Tord's shoulder.

Tord walked into his office and checked the time on a clock he was placed on the wall. Tord groaned. "It's 3am...god..." Edd and Matt walked in a looked around awkwardly. Tom kissed Tord's cheek and Tord smiled. He sat Tom down on his desk, and leaned on it. With Tom resting his head against Tord's back, and Tord rubbing Tom's thighs gently. Tord sighed. "Okay, so breaking and entering, assault, and stalking. And somehow, you think you're in the right?"

Edd sighed. "Okay! We get it, we fucked up-!"

"Language." Tom mumbled against Tord's back..

Matt frowned. "What happened to Tim-...Tom?"

Tord sighed. "He is exhausted. It's a New Year, and of course, we stayed up, got a bit drunk, and hoped for at least three hours of sleep."

Edd jumped. "Three hours?!"

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