50 I Hate That I Have To Do This

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*trigger warning*


Ever since we get into Vivien's car, she whines about food. No doubt just a lame excuse to get beer in my system— an old trick of loosening me up.

So I take her to the cheapest bar in the area. I buy her a burger, fries and beer. Get myself a large, unsweetened iced tea. Make some obligatory small talk you have to have before business meetings, then dive right in.

"You think you can work with these?" I slide my phone across the table to her.

She picks it up and scrolls through the images, then scowls. "No? Did you take these with your eyes closed or something? They don't look professional!"

"Alright, alright..." I grumble, taking it back. "Send your assistant to take pictures then."

"Ugh, all the way here? No. I have so many clients from high places who'd—"

"Are you kidding me?" I raise my eyebrow.

She scoffs, enunciating each word like she's speaking to an idiot. "I cannot sell your house. It's a cheap shit hole in the middle of nowhere. And I'm a real estate agent, not a magician."

"Then ask your dad. He'll find a way. We know how much success means to him."

She squirms in her seat, then looks away. "You know I didn't mean to—"

"Leave? Sure you did." I smirk, leaning my forearms on the table. "But it's okay, Vivien. I'm not mad. I'm actually glad you left. Besides, we're not here to discuss our relationship."

She flushes red at my blunt words and bites her cheek.

I lower my voice, turning more serious. "This is about your daughter, who needs your help. And you're going to do it, because you owe her as her mother. And if you don't, I'll call your office every single day until you change your mind."

"Yeah?" She laughs. "So it's not about your girlfriend? You plan to leave her here?"

"Of course not, she goes where I go." I smile, bunching my brows. "You owe her too, Vivien."

"Excuse me?"

"Celia was the only one able to help Ari calm down after you left. Our daughter was broken. I struggled. Celia cleaned up your mess and more. So fuck yeah, you owe her. You owe all of us."

She frowns for a brief moment, then wrinkles her face. "Well, congratulations, then. I'm glad you're such a happy family now."

"Thanks. I'm glad too." I suppress my amusement not to offend her, but truth to told, I am glad. How can I not be? With the sweetest daughter in the world, and the most loyal— fine, a little crazy but loyal— partner. I got no complaints.

Vivien gives up meddling in my life after that and switches to her professional mode. We discuss the listing of the house, options for relocations, and the expected timeline. It takes longer than an hour, but her family's real estate business is really one of the best.

I just didn't want to get Celia's hopes up for nothing. Leaving this place means too much to dangle the prospect without a guarantee. If I give her something she wants, I don't want to have to take it back. I'd rather surprise than disappoint.

After the meeting, Vivien drops me off. I'm in front of my gate when Arthur calls.

"Hey, Gio. Are you... almost home?" His voice is timid and cautious.

"Yeah, why?" I reply, wondering why the house lights are already off. "You better not ask for condoms, you sick bastard—"

"Come to Chanel's when you're here. Ari and Celia are with us."

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