16 Pushed To The Limit

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Bipolar asshole.

I'm so angry all weekend that I don't go to church on Sunday just to avoid his face.

Obviously Alex said something to him, I'm not an idiot, our little flirting did affect him. I could feel the heat crackling between us, the pull of invisible strings, drawing us close like magnets.

"What did you say to Gio on Friday?" I catch up to Alex after class in the hallway on Monday.

"Good morning, beautiful. Nice to see you too," he smiles, holding his textbook like an accessory.

I shove him against the wall to stop him from walking. "I asked you what did you say to him?"

"Relax, no need for claws..." he chuckles, checking left and right before looking at me. "Why do you care so much? Did he fire you?"

"What did you say to him? Just tell me!" I hit his chest, patience running thin and desperate.

"Celia, did he hurt you?" He puts his hand over mine. "Did he threaten you? You can tell me."

"Alex, he's never hurt me! Can you please just tell me what the hell you told him?" The students glance with bare interest as they pass us by.

"Nothing, just the truth," Alex murmurs, eyes concerned. "I only told him what you've been telling me for years. That you need to leave this town, that you want to get away."

"No, you're not telling me the truth," I prompt, clinging onto the last thread of sanity I want to believe is left in him. "Alex, please. Please, if you care for me at all, just tell me the truth!"

"How about I take you on a date tonight, huh?" He smiles. "I'll tell you every detail over seafood and wine."

My mind races to maneuver around his delusions, crumbling at every dead end.

He smiles at my inner turmoil, brushing his knuckles across my cheek. "You're so innocent, Celia. You shouldn't settle for some nobody when you have me. I can give you everything, we can escape just like you've always dreamed."

I smack his hand, jerking away. "Oh my God, Alex, how many times do I have to spell it out for you? I will never marry you! Never! It's never going to happen!"

Some students stop as Alex awkwardly freezes in the spotlight, voice quieter, almost to himself. "I see, he's already gotten inside your head. It's my fault, all my fault, I didn't act fast enough."

"What are you talking about?" I whisper while he takes out his phone, clicking on stuff.

"I need to fix this, I'll fix this." He puts the phone over his ear, staring at me absently. "I'll get you out of here, just like I promised. I'll finish what your mom couldn't finish, you'll see."

"What did you just say?" I breathe, anger boiling my blood and blinding my sight. I storm forward and grab his phone, throwing it against the wall.

"Everything alright?" A young professor from one of the classrooms comes out when the shattering silences the crowd.

"Did the device destruction finally wake you up? Are you guys awake? Hello? Good morning!" I chuckle at the students around. "Did you get startled? I'm so sorry! Bet if I put a gun to my head, none of you would fucking care!"

CeliaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon