22 Catch Me If You Can

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I grab a coolant and a towel from the backseat and set it on the ground, waiting for the steam to cool down so I can pop the hood open.

The road is vacant as I decided to take the more scenic route back to town. The right side is lined with trees and the right side oversees the quiet lake. The whiff of damp hills and willow trees waft around us. The only noise is the echo of crawking ravens and buzzing of bees.

There's not a single soul around, probably because it's hot enough to melt.

"How long will we be stuck out here for?" Celia wonders, holding her lower back. I feel guilty for driving so carelessly with this old truck.

"Not too long, maybe fifteen minutes until the engine cools down so I can take care of it." I offer her an apologetic smile. "The phone repair trip will have to be canceled."

"It's okay," she shrugs, turning towards the lake. "We can still make the most out of it."

I raise my eyebrows as she sashays down the hill, heading straight towards it.

"You're not getting in the water!" I yell as she waves her fingers over her shoulder. "Celia!"

"I know how to swim!" she turns to roll her eyes, making me groan.

"You don't even know what's in that water! I'm not coming after you!" I shout, but she laughs.

"Come on, it's so clear and blue!" She bends over and swirls her hand in it. "And so warm!"

I sigh and turn to the hood of my car, glaring at it for being boiling hot. I squint at the sun, a sheen of perspiration across my forehead. The back of my shirt is getting damp.

"You're missing out, Gio!" Celia yells, ankles in the water as she paddles back. "Live a little!"

"I'm good!" I say with sarcastic enthusiasm. "Just don't go too far."

Even across the distance, I hear her scoff as she turns to face the lake, spreading her arms.

"Crazy girl..." I shake my head. Where's her phone? Maybe I can call Chase and check up on Ari.

I put the coolant and towel back and lock the doors before going down the hill. Her phone is left near her brown sandals, cooking under the sun.

"What's your passcode?" I ask, noting how she's already halfway in. Her skirt is underwater and the wind blows her hair as she turns and smiles at me.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" she says coyly, making me wonder what the fuck she has on her phone that she wouldn't want me to see. On second thought, I don't think I want to know.

"I want to call Chase and check on Ari!"

"Come for a swim and I'll tell you," she says and lies back, floating with her eyes closed.

"What's the passcode?" I yell, smacking my lips when she twists on her belly and swims away. "Celia! I told you not to go too far!"

"Who's going to stop me?" she laughs, head bobbing up and down as she gets further.

What if something gets caught to her leg and she freaks out and starts drowning? What if I don't make it in time and something bad happens?

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