27 Make Me, Stop Me

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The stubborn little shit sneaks out the next morning.

I have no idea how she escaped while I was asleep on the couch. I woke up at 7 AM and my bedroom door was open.

On the bright side, her luggage is still here, which means she went to school and probably didn't want to drag it with her all the way there. It is quite a walk... forty minutes or so.

I call Marilyn to find out what time she finishes her class and where I can find her. Thankfully it's around noon and Ari won't be home. It also gives me time to look after the plants. Trimming, feeding, begging them not to die.

Luna seems alright. She's sleeping most of the time in Ari's room. She purrs and closes her eyes when I pet her head, bet she misses cuddling. I tell her she'll be able to soon then go to pick up the other cat from school.

It feels awkward to park my truck outside. Going to college was never an option for me. My dad didn't have the money, plus he needed me in the auto shop. That was probably the reason he was convinced to adopt me in the first place. Adopt a teenager, win a free employee.

Marilyn told me Alex had to get stitched up after Celia's assault, so I hope he's not here. If he is, he better turn the other way. I don't want to end up in jail. Ari needs me. Now Celia needs me too.

Around noon, students emerge from the buildings with dreadful expressions and huge backpacks. I spot Celia among them, in white sneakers and denim shorts, with a red top and a little bit of makeup on. Talking to someone on the phone and smiling.

"Celia!" I yell.

Her eyes go wide and she stops walking, then says something over the phone and hangs up. She then glares at me and stomps my way.

"What..." she yells then lowers her voice, "are you doing here?"

"Picking you up," I scowl. "Isn't it obvious?"

"Go home," she says in a clipped tone and steps aside, going down the street.

"I am going home," I say after her. "And so are you."

She flips me off without turning around. I sigh and lock the doors of my truck, striding after her.

"How'd you sneak out this morning?" I ask, catching up to her.

"Through the window."

My mouth falls open then I laugh. "Of course..."

"I already put up the job posting around school and got a call. She's twenty-one and has two brothers, three dogs. She's the oldest and her mom is a doctor, so she has experience—"

"Hey." I step in front of her. The trees above block the scorching sun and thankfully most students are headed in the opposite direction.

"What? I told you I'd help. You can interview her today and if you don't like her—"

"I don't want a new babysitter."

"Well, you need one, don't you?" She crosses her arms, leaning on one leg. "You have the pot house to take care of and I won't be available."

"Said who?" I pace into her personal space, making her stumble back. "Hm? When did I say I need one?"

Her face flushes red. She glares at me, raising her voice. "Fine! If you don't need one then I'll tell her the job is no longer available because the father is a prick who doesn't care!"

She tries to storm away, I grab her wrist and stop her. She slowly turns to me with an evil smile.

"Gio, we're in a public place. I'll kick you in the shin, then knee you in the nuts, then I'll whip that same knee and break your fucking nose."

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