The Case At It's Final Stages

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                                            Chapter 13

Based on the proofs Laura questioned Ms Lavender.

    Laura      : Can you explain all this?

Lavender   : Why are you doubting us ? We are just helping you with the investigation. I saw all of you as my on children.

    Laura       :We understand but if you don't have anything to do with this case and all this are just some strange coincidence then why are hesitating in answer my questions. Just give me the explanations to all this.

Lavender   :Okey. I got the money from my brother,the dates are just a coincidence and Amelia left her certificate here.

    Laura       : How can someone just left their medical certificate here ... If it was a book or a school certificate it was more believable and If I consider your explanation even though it is ridicules. Who is your brother?

Lavender   :He - he is Pole

    Laura      : Then call this Pole right now and let me talk to him.

Lavender   : Umm I don't have his phone number.

    Laura      : Really am I supposed to believe that you don't have your own brother's phone number? Do you even have a brother let me research about it.

Lavender   :No ... I mean yes I have a brother but no don't do that.

    Laura didn't say anything , she just gave her a death glare. Suddenly Mrs Lavender teared up.

Lavender   : Yes I-I did it I can't see my daughter laying down without moving like a dead body.

     Laura     : Okay I know you are a victim of circumstances... The concept of right and wrong are different for different people but there is only one truth and that's what the court cares. Now tell me who made you do this?

Lavender   : No I can't... She is going to ruin our family if I tell you.

    Laura      : Before she can do anything like that I will at her house and thankyou for using the she pronoun now I know its a woman.

Lavender   : I-I its....Yes and you will question her and arrest her but then your senior officer will call you and tell you to leave her alone.

    Laura      : That's not going to happen. Christi and her sister are millionaire business women with power in politics so Martha can't do anything like that.

Lavender   : Yo-u already know?

    Laura      : It was just my guess because she is the only woman who is connected with  this case other than you and she seem suspicious. She was the one who help the police in last case the most but when this case is reopened she is not even showing up here. Thankyou for letting me know my guess was right....

She smirked.

Lavender   : I wasn't... I mean...I didn't ...

    Laura      : Enough blabbering no come with me.

Lavender   : Where?

    Laura      : To the police jeep.

Laura's thoughts:

              That was easier than I thought it would be. She talked out all the truth because of her tension. I am glad this was a surprise questioning ... If you already knew about this she would be prepared with Mrs Martha but this time I could really see that she was in prepared for anything which helped the case a lot.

              This case was really hard work because there is nothing more than circumstances evidences and confessions of different people.

Laura arrested Ms Lavender. Next up it was Martha's turn. Even though the arrest of Mrs Lavender is done as a secret there chances of Martha escaping so Laura hurried to Martha's house.

         They caught Ms Martha and took her to custody . Martha was more prepared than Mrs Lavender so she gave perfect answers for all their questions. There was no proofs against her so if he is not going to admit the crime herself there was no way . Even though Martha was obviously the culprit with no proves the court is going to let her free.

The certain visitors in front of their office. It was Aron and Mr Richard. Laura invited them in . Martha was shocked to see her son and ex husband there.

  Aron   : Why mom...why ...

Tears ran into his eyes. That was it ...she did all the bad deeds for her son at first. Before she became a selfless person who only likes money she truly loved her son and even after all this time she still have the love left for him.
Martha teared up and admitted all the truths to Laura.

      Laura informed Christina all about this and she was happy. They found a great advocate for them. They were all  waiting for the day of prosecution.


A/N: Lavender did this for her child and Martha had an emotional breakdown seeing her son. Even the worst people out there have love for their child . Tell me the best thing about your Mom.

Mine is that she is so friendly that I am open to her. We share our secrets like we are best friends.

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