A Drive Through The Country Side

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                                          Chapter 1

It was getting dark. Trisha checked the time on her watch . It was 6 pm. She looked out through the windows and saw the glorious sunset with a beautiful country side view.

It's been long time since she visited her village .The clam atmosphere of the village helped her to relive from the stress she was going through. " It's really been a while but nothing really changed"  She looked at her sister Christina and asked:

Trisha :"Are you sure Mr Richard can provide the more information about Amelia ?"

Christina : "Yes , Ms Lavender said that he can be helpful .You know how close Amelia was with their family, Eiva was her best friend so I trust them."

Trisha : "So do I but after visiting Police and her relatives , They all said the same thing . Maybe it's all in our head . Maybe Amelia did commit suicide" .

Christina : "No way Isha (Trisha was called Isha by her loved ones ). Everybody said she looked so happy when they all met her for the last time" .

Trisha : "She lost her dream scholarship and she got depressed about this and committed suicide, I mean it's a
possibility right ?"

Christina : "that was but ,you should consider the fact that she was afraid of water bodies and the river that they claim she jumped into was very deep . I would describe it more as a phobia than just a fear. She gets highly anxious around water . Remember the one time she cried after falling into the pool near our school. "

Trisha : "You are right, I forgot about that ...I feel guilty for bullying her."

Christina : "Me too but the past is past we can't change that so lets apologize to her soul by giving the justice she deserves"

That talked a lot about Amelia on the way .They were trying to find Mr Richard's house by referring the address they got from Mrs Lavender. There was a shallow path so they couldn't go there on their car so they walked through .Finally they reached at their destination and started walking towards the house .


A/N : I'm sorry for the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. English is not my mother tongue so I sincerely apologise for every mistakes.

This is My first story and I'm sorry if the the chapters are too small

Please don't copy the story or cover. If you see somebody copying this  then please inform me.

This story is from my imagination and if there are similar stories please understand its pure coincidence. I am not writing this story to offend anyone in real life . The story and its characters are all imaginary.

Have nice day :)

A/N from the future: The whole story is written like it's a drama script

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A/N from the future: The whole story is written like it's a drama script... I won't be doing that for my next story but yeh.

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