Mrs Richard?

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                                             Chapter 7

Christina called Laura and told her about the whole
conversation she had with Ms Lavender. Laura heard every thing and she told Christina that she had already found about Ms Martha and Mr Richard .

Laura : "They had a past together ."

Christina :"A past ? Like what ... From when did they knew each other? Tell me everything."

Laura :"Ms Martha was once Mrs Martha or should I say Mrs Richard."

Christina :"Mrs? You mean they are husband and wife?"

Laura :"They were . But no more . We found Mr Richard on his old house. He told the same things to as he told you. When we met him at his house we found a lot of pictures of marketing at his room. The whole house was decorated with her pictures."

Christina :" Now I have no idea where this is going.

Laura :"Martha was all around the case so we should question her. I'm going to do it. I'll also be questioning Mrs Lavender and Eiva and every other person who has to do with the case and that also include you and your sister."

Christina :" Okey I'll make sure my whole cooperation."

Laura :" Do you have the medical report of Amelia having Aqua Phobia."

Christina :" No but Ms Martha may have it since she became Amelia's guardian after Mrs Maria's death. "

Laura :" Great now we have reason to tell the media why we are questioning Martha. Her marriage with Richard should remain a secret since she haven't made it public."

Christina :" That's great."

Laura :" How is your sister's project going?"

Christina :" Its her own opportunity now she is 25 so not now when will she ever be independent? "

Then they went for a walk in the park.

Trisha was home by then . She sat on the bed and started thinking. Trisha's POV:

" Tina is again out to meet officer Laura. I feel very sad now. It feels like she is the only one getting involved in the investigation. I feel selfish because now I'm 24/7 working for a stupid project. I also want to do something own my own for Amelia.

Amelia was a rich girl. Tina , Glory and me ... we were the cool kids of the school and then suddenly Amelia appeared . She stole our place and then Glory wanted to take revenge."

End of Trisha's POV

Suddenly the door bell rang it was her sister so she woke up from her thoughts and opened the room.


A/N: I've got a writer's block right here.
Do you have suggestions to overcome writer's block and I'll share mine as my reply.

As usual make sure to vote and Have a fantastic day.

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