The Man In The Hood

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                                         Chapter 10

The stranger entered Laura's house and closed the door. He removed his hood and reviled himself. It was a handsome young man. His dragon eyes stared right into her soul. He was 6 feet tall,with brown hair and a defined jaw line. He broke the silence.

Stranger  : I'm Aron, you don't know me . I am Mr Richard's son. I am here to tell you about the case and what my mom and dad has to do with it. I will tell you all I know.

He looked at her for her response but she was busy checking him out and finally she realised what was going on.

   Laura      : I'm sorry but can you please repeat what you just said?

He answered with a smirk on  his face.

    Aron      : Sure you if are done scanning me .

She was so embarrassed.

    Aron      : I am the son of Mr Richard and Martha and I may I have some information that can help you with the case.

Laura's POV:

"oh god I should have known those eyes are similar to his dad's so deadly . I swear to God this is the most good looking man I have ever met in my whole life. What are you doing you are a famous investigator remember? Get back into your job instead of drooling over him. "

End of Laura's POV

    Laura     : Take a seat sir.

     Aron      :"Okey and 'sir'? I can get use to this. "

    Laura     : Whatever ... What all did you know? Your mum and dad are the most suspected people in this case.

     Aron      :"My mom and were High school sweethearts and they got married at a young age. Dad was into philosophy and he wrote poems. He was a watch repairer but he write poems by closing the shop. He used to drink while writing poems and soon he became an alcoholic. We have been through a lot of poverty. My mum started seeing other men to feed me but as time passed she became a real gold digger.

                      She lied to my dad that  she got a job at a shop. When he found out the truth that she was going to meet other man instead of working in a shop he was angry and started beating her. She left the house. He didn't had the money to rise me so he gave me up to an orphanage. I was a weird kid at my childhood so nobody  adopted me. After years later I found out my mum and dad.

                       After a lot of years my dad realise his mistakes and he followed mom around just to apologise but it was too late... She became a miserable person.

He stopped as his eyes filled with tears.

    Laura   : We humans do horrible mistakes and when we finally realise it, it would be too late to apologise . This whole case is an apology to the dead girl Amelia . The sisters who are working behind the case used bully Amelia. She was an orphan and it was kept as a secret from her. Found out that she was adopted and bullied her for it that's how she realised she was an orphan.

   Aron      : My father still loves my mother very much. Amelia and my Dad had a great relationship. My dad has social anxiety. After Amelia start a lot of people questioned him and  He ran of from his house because he don't want to face the officers and media. All he told Christina was right but he hide that mum was behind Amelia's death. She has something to do with Mrs Maria's death also. My dad was surprised that my mum will have to go through a long period of punishment in jail.

                        This was all I could understand by reading his diary. He writes his diaries in a poetic manner. He has also returned that he had to do some justice to Amelia's soul that is why he talked about mom abusing her so she will have a lifetime to live in jail but still not serious punishment. My dad also write something like  "Even the selfless guardian angel of generosity was selfish for her own blood and ended innocent one for ever... I wonder if there is blood on her veins? "
All the other things I could understand but after thinking for today's I could understand what this means.

    Laura     : Thankyou for informing me. You looks like someone who can be trusted but when it comes to cases like this we need proof.

     Aron      : I have proofs. Trust me when I said my dad used to follow my mom I really meant it he literally stalked her and many times he felt like he need to do the right thing so he collected all the proofs and saved it but he wasn't brave enough to give it to police because he end thinking about mum whenever he tried to.

He handed her a box of things that hurt her with the investigation. After all the information that he provided her it was a lot easier  to investigate. She finally felt like God heard her prayers. She finally thought that she could sleep one night peacefully but she was wrong whenever she tried to close her eyes the handsome boy appeared on her mind.


A/N: Wow Laura is this the perfect time for a crush?
Well as they say love is blind.

Well tell me about your celebrity crush I'll reply you for sure.
Mine is the whole BTS.

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