Croix x Male Reader: Relax Man

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Request by: FiC_shoot

Summary: Croix is a student that strives on perfection, on keeping everything nitty and on a tight grid. A tireless job that does not warrant lollygagging.

But sometimes a lollygagging boyfriend is just what Croix needs even if she refuses to admit it.

Word Count: 1,1k


Sitting on one of the many benches dotting around Blytonbury's fountain Croix was swinging her legs back and forth, a pensive look on her face as she stared at an empty notepad. A grin forming on her face when she began drawing and writing on the paper only for it to slowly fade away alongside her rigorous speed.

She stared at the piece of paper, a frown forming on her face as she ripped the paper out of the notepad and crumpled it up into a ball. Her frown worsening as she saw the nearby trashcan was already bulging full with half of her previous failed papers occupying the stressed metal. Croix threw the paper into the fountain, her anger morphing into surprise when she heard a nonchalant "Ow." Come out of the round structure.

Curiously Croix put down her notepad and pen before standing up and walking over towards the fountain, her eyes widening as she saw you in the shallow water.

Observing the paper she tried to throw away.

You glanced over to her, relaxation oozing all over your half-wet body. "Yo Croix."
"Hey you..." Croix responded, her lips forming a sliver of a smile. "Care to explain why my boyfriend is laying in the water-filled fountain?"

You shrugged, letting out a yawn. "It's quite nice down here, water can be a really nice bed. Especially when you have some scrabbles to read." You told her, no sense of sarcasm in your usual casual-then-ever tone. Croix blinked in confusion, shaking her head while her frown returned. She had long promised to never question your odd behavior, especially now that she had bigger problems.

"And why is my girlfriend fuming at the top of her head on such a cloudy day, trying to make up for a lack of ketchup?" You asked, Croix looking at you in surprise with a glare. "I'm not...!" Before she could continue you offered her a bottle of ketchup, which she for some reason accepted. Staring at the red-colored product and sighing as she sat down on the stones of the fountain.

"It's this stupid project for school, one where we have to be creative and use our magic to create something that will supposedly make the project "shine"." Croix pouted, holding up her head with her hands. "If I want to get a passing grade I need to at least make an attempt..."

"Oh? And you don't have your dormmates to shift the work to?" Croix send a glare upon your comment, holding it as you just smirked at her. "Not all of us sleep soundly when they leave their responsibilities to someone else. Besides they are in a similar stupor like me, never seen Chariot this stressed." Croix said with a small laugh. "I'm winning the prize for most frustrated though."

You snorted. "Sounds like someone needs a break, I'm ready to show you all the ropes-even the ones I brought from home." The small smile Croix was building up broke down. "No, I can't waste any time." She declared, receiving another smirk from you. "Like you're doing right now?" You teased leading to an annoyed huff coming out of Croix, the purple-haired girl taking the paper you held in your hands and missing her throw on it towards the trashcan as she continued to stomp over to her bench.

"If you aren't going to take me seriously then I might as well go back to school." Croix spat out, her eyes shut in anger and widening in surprise once she opened them and saw a half-wet you standing right next to her. "Aww don't be like that Grape, when have I ever taken something seriously?" You humored, but Croix could tell there was genuine care in your grin, one that made her sigh.

"You're right, I'm sorry. The project really is eating away at me..."
"All the more reason to ditch it for now and just relax, as an expert in relaxing I can guarantee it will lead to a much more fulfilling and successful life." Croix smiled. "Well, you do seem to do just fine despite having never seen you work for anything a day in your life."

"Hey, I do have a job! One that is so taxing it requires plenty of extended naps to prepare for, how else can I afford my collection of ketchup?" You argued against her, your voice dripping with sarcasm. Croix chuckled in response, humming as her hands played with her half-empty notepad.

She beamed at you. "You know what? I'm taking you up on your advice, let's relax." You let out a fake gasp. "Egads! Croix Meridies actually accepting the idea of chilling?" Croix laughed as she lightly punched your shoulder. "Oh stop it! Is Chariot exaggerating her stories about my "Blood-sucking" study sessions again? Some days I'm convinced you guys actually think I'm some kind of study robot only."

You casually held up your hands in a defensive banner. "I will not betray my informants, I only hear truths." You began, edging closer to Croix with your widest grin yet. "Besides, you do make for a pretty cute robot." Small laughs started to escape your lips as Croix's face went from her normal pale complexion to a pure-tomato red in seconds.

Croix snapped her head away. "A-Anyways shouldn't we get started with this relaxing? I'm hoping you have some kind of plan!" She asked, desperation in her voice as she tried to shift the subject. "Sure, we can start with paying a visit to the local burger joint and use your ketchup. See further from there." You humored Croix, following her as she started walking a fast pace away from you.

"You know that isn't the direction to the joint right?" You commented, a small yelp leaving Croix's lips as she hastily turned to you. "I-I was just excited to go and thought that this was the right direction!"
"Well that's because it is." You added, Croix's blush being replaced with a pout.

"Frankly I can't deduce why you somehow always manage to throw me off so much." Croix said as she crossed her arms, a small blush returning on her face as you swung an arm over her shoulder. "Maybe because you love me." You cheekily crooned in her ear as her pout slowly fizzled away. "I don't doubt that claim." She responded with a small smile, closing her body closer to yours as you continued.

"And because I love you."
"Oh? Have you become a fact machine?" Croix joked, her cheeks redder than before. "Always have been, and I have numerous wonderful ones to share about my favorite grape once we get to the burger joint!" You exclaimed, the blood rising up to your head as Croix let her head rest on your sides. "I can't wait to hear them..." She said with a soft smile, your eyes becoming softer in response as you planted a small kiss on her cheek.

"Don't worry, I have plenty."

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