Amanda x Male reader: First Grease

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Summary: You and Amanda have your first ever date at a local fast food joint much to her positive surprise. Yet it wouldn't be any normal visit or even date to a restaurant without Amanda's antics thrown into the mix.

Word Count: 2954


A lot of surprises have come along Amanda's way recently, so you'd think she would get used to them by now. But nope! Life never ceases to throw the rug from under her feet.
It all started quite simple. Some rich boy was allowed to attend the school because of "exceptionality", Amanda thought nothing of it at first. Just another snob like Diana or that Hanbridge fellow to add to the pile.

But when the boy arrived-when you arrived Amanda had taken her first fall on the flight of stairs called surprises. Not only were you actually just some dorky idiot that loved spending time with her and her friends more than the rest of uptight town, You also managed to eventually capture her heart. Something she never really expected to happen any time soon. But hey in exchange she stole yours so fair trade, right?

So you two became boyfriend and girlfriend, a real eyebrow raiser when it came to your backgrounds. Like Amanda cared about that in the first place.
What she did care about was you, and how she can be the best girlfriend possible. Go big or go home as they say! And the moment you asked her out on a date towards some restaurant you had in mind she had no choice but to go all wearing a fancy suit.

Sure she may not hate it as much as those gaudy dresses (She'd rather end up dead in a rat-infested alley then wear one of those) but a suit was still part of that icky formal attire, the stuffy clothes were never really to her liking. But you despite your initial casualness were still of noble origin, thus she was compelled enough to try and make a good impression. It was your first real date after all!

A first date in a local fast food joint, she knew the address you gave her to meet up at was familiar. "Is everything ok Amanda? You look like you're spacing out." She shifted herself to you, your doe eyes further highlighting your innocent casual look. "Nah, nah." Amanda muttered. "I just expected you to take me to some fancy high estate place." Your smile dropped.

"Sorry Amanda...I thought you wouldn't like any of those places and-" Before you could continue your groveling Amanda lightly punched your shoulder. "Hey don't worry dude, I'm not saying that's bad now am I?" A light smile rested on her face.

"Really? Even after you went all that way to get that pretty suit?"
"Yup, truth be told I kind of hoped you would take me to a more casual place like this. It only sucks I look like a fish out of water now, never really liked formal clothes" As you were about to respond Amanda casually took of her blazer. Throwing it over her back and showing you her white blouse in all its glory as it accentuated her curves and showed more skin in the loose way she threw it on herself.

She smirked at your blood-red face, sauntering over to you as she flicked your chin up. "I don't know about you but I'm heading inside. It's getting chilly here." Amanda proceeded to walk by you, brushing your shoulder as you followed her lead.
"H-Hey you're the one who's taking their clothes off!" She stopped dead in her tracks, turning back to you with a smile devious as ever as she walked back to you.

"Oh? Then perhaps you would like to warm me up~." She started rubbing her body against yours, her rough fingers so delicate against your exposed arms as she trailed all over them. "Or perhaps you like to see me less...covered." A laugh erupted from her while she backed off. "Oh man you should see your face dude! You look like a tomato!"

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