Lotte x Artist Male Reader: Hands are hard to draw...

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Summary: Sometimes Lotte needs to take a break from the chaos at her school and to catch up on her latest Nightfall volume she's read for the sixth time by now. Blytonbury's not so famed Wednesday Club proves to be that perfect spot for her. But can she stay there when some guy keeps looking at her creepy while scribbling so intensely on some piece of paper? Or perhaps there is more to him then she previously thought.

Word Count: 2843


Cafés were always Lotte's favorite reading spots. As much as she loved hanging out with her friends, they sometimes get a little too chaotic for her. And then it becomes a wee bit too hard for Lotte to even finish one page of her Nightfall books, but here in town? Surrounded by cute trinkets and the sweet smell of her favorite tea next to her? That's when she can finish 8 books in a row outside of ungodly hours. The Last Wednesday Society was perfect for her!

...Well it would be if it weren't for a certain other customer of the magic and café hybrid, you. Not that you stood out as an annoying person! Just that you scared Lotte a little...
It has become a ritual for Lotte to go to the Last Wednesday Society every day for a little cup and a healthy dose of marathoning her beloved book series, and every day you would be there too. Sometimes before she arrives and sometimes when she's there already. But every time Lotte can see the same process unfold.

A wad of paper is pulled out from your bag, you flip with it as a pencil almost magically appears in your hand and as the owner of the shop takes your order (Who never seems to care about you sending scary looks to his only other customer) you begin observing the little room around you. But mostly her. And every time you start scribbling on your paper. Lotte always unaware of what you're doing and she might've come out to ask if it wasn't for that piercing glare you always deliver.

She wondered what she did wrong to make you look at her like that. But without any clues it was impossible for Lotte to advance, and so she just meekly hid her head behind her book, sometimes emitting a groan from you. It had been almost a month since this routine of you and hers started and Lotte was frankly getting sick with it. Not that there was a particular breaking point, just that you're glare made her too uncomfortable to sit there any longer. She just couldn't enjoy it!

And so here she was. In one of the more modern popular café's around town. So popular and loud that unlike the antics at Luna Nova she never got the opportunity to even read a word in peace here, even her friends accompanied her when they heard where she was going.

Well really it was just Akko that seemed really interested, Sucy was kind of dragged along by her. She loves her friends, truly. But this change of scenery caused the entire purpose of her daily afternoon cup of tea to be null and void. It was sad and the tea here just wasn't as tasty as back at the Last Wednesday Society! But Lotte kept these complaints to herself, she wouldn't want to alienate her friends by coming over thinking they annoy her, even if they can be a handful.

Zoning out of their two sided conversation let Lotte pick up bits and pieces of the people around her, nothing particularly noteworthy-relationship problems, how work was, what their plans for the weekend are. Nothing to keep her attention for long, but still became her new hobby around the shop in the more and more infrequent times her and her friends visited the place.

Until one day...

"I don't know man, somehow I feel like it's all my fault for scaring her off." This piqued Lotte's interest, now normally she wouldn't be one to eavesdrop on people especially when it came to more intimate things. Yet with the boredom of sitting in a café for an hour and lacking her fix of Nightfall drama lately she had to resort to being bad for just a few minutes.

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