Performer!Akko x Male Reader: You got games on your phone?

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Summary: You are part of a corporate conglomerate working in the entertainment industry, recently there's been news of this magic performer quickly rising to the top and anyone would be stupid not to try and get into contact with them. That's where you come in, if only you could find this mysterious magician before the show starts...And can that bothersome brunette leave you alone for just a second?!

Word Count: 3495


It was a dark night, you had just exited your car after having another talk with your boss about how important it was to make a contract with this so called "amazing magician". But you had a job to keep and money to earn so you were in no place to complain. You would take the ticket that was booked for you. Watch the show to get a feeling of the personality of your company's soon to be acquisition and after that use your company's status to organize a meeting between them and whatever "Brown-nosing fanatic" that was their boss to discuss work between them and the company.

Before you decided to move onward you made sure your car was well locked with its extra security, you didn't trust this neighborhood just like you didn't trust this magician's skills. Sure you're parents always gushed about how as a kid you were in love with magical shows of all kind. But that was when you were a stupid kid, once you got older you got bored of all the same tricks, whether they were obviously fake or not. This one would likely be no different and the continues arguments you made with your boss went nowhere except landing you closer to getting fired.

"Don't you keep up with the news? Magic has been making a slow comeback! Remember that missile that almost hit Paris? That same Witch that stopped it is now the one we are trying to contact! These aren't just bunnies in hats and quarters behind your ears, this is the real deal!"
Your boss' tenacity to "get closer with the kids" is something that still made you cringe every time he tried to do it, and now he's risking the company's money too? Good grief...You dread the day he's going to permanently start using whatever modern slang he picked up from his grandkids...

With your nth check-up you were confident no one would break into your car after you were done with this waste of time, now you just had to hope no one would break it from the outside or vandalize it for no good reason. You didn't almost lose this car just to get it ruined by vandals.
You moved throughout the quiet streets, following the route your phone had shown to the address of the show until you arrive at what looked like a small theater, upon closer inspection you noticed the place wasn't kept up in shape with the occasional cracks and smudges in the wall, not to forget the wide open gap in the glasses surrounding the ticket boy, who was too busy reading a book with foreign letters to notice you.

Before you approached him you took notice of the new and shiny posters plastered on the wall of the dingy theater; "Shiny Akko! Open your mind, Let's laugh together!" the poster screamed in bright letters as the light shadow of a feminine body dominated the rest of it, weird forms of animals behind her. Was this made by a kid? You shook your head and noted down the name and to look for this "Shiny Akko".
As you stopped critiquing the decent poster compared to the walls you walked over to the ticket boy, awkwardly standing there even after you let out a few Ahem's, Your patience wearing thin you decided to knock on the glass before you were about to use the hole in his glass to tap him on the shoulder.

The kid dropped his book as a shocked look was across his face as he turned to face you.
"O-Oh hello sir, H-Ho-How can I help you today...?"
You didn't want to waste any more time with this dense excuse of a college hire as you just placed and dragged your ticket across the table. He shakingly took it.
"I-It checks out! Enjoy the show s-sir!"
You only gave him a nod as you made your way past him and inside, where you were hit with the noises of the other show-goers. The typical audience you expected.
Youngsters who looked like you could entertain them with a dancing hotdog, impressionable adults and some tourists with of course families and their excited children running around the hallway, running around with little hats and sticks.
You stuck out like a sore thumb judging from just the few looks some people gave you as you entered, you tried to ignore them as you walked around the big hallway until you came across a set of chairs, one occupied and the other vacant. There were even some drinks on the table next to it! The cheapest in the whole town you bet!

Rule number 1 of theaters; never take the free drinks. It's either crap or you actually need to pay for it when they notice you taking a sip out of it.
So you just proceeded to only sit on the chair, glancing over you noticed your neighbor voicing no protest as they seemingly kept looking at the floor based on how their comically big witch's hat was looking downwards, like they were trying not to get noticed in the least obvious way. As you still felt some of the stares from earlier on you, with some new ones you pulled out your phone to distract yourself and check up on the usual: stocks, contacts, sche-

"You got games on that?"

Like nails being dragged across a chalkboard all your focus was lost thanks to the little question coming from a squeamish voice. Moving your phone out of your face you noticed no kid looking at you. But before you could question yourself if the question was directed to someone else or just a figment you heard the question again-coming from your right.

Turning right you saw the curious face of the girl that wore the big hat and also asked for your phone, you slowly moved your phone out of her range as you shot her a dismissive look.
"...No, and even if I did. Why would I offer a complete stranger my property?"
Her curiosity was replaced with fury as she got closer to you.
"Hey! How can you even know I was going to ask for your phone next?"
"You just randomly ask people what they have on their phones for no particular reason?"
You narrowed your eyes at her while she only got more red from anger.
"Okay fine! You've seen through me, but can you blame me with how boring it is?"
She exclaimed as she slumped in her seat, you had turned your attention back to your phone.
"That's what you get for being early to the show I guess. Which is something I've made to regret myself too now that I'm next to some needy kid."
You could see her giving you a glare from the corner of your eye.
"My schedule doesn't ever allow me to come later! And normally I don't have a problem with it, I just didn't expect to be stuck with some old coot!"
That made you glare back at her.
"There are plenty of other people here you can annoy. And for the record I'm not old."
Her pout turned into a smirk.
"hmm...nope! I think ill stay here with you, besides I want to keep my seat!"
You couldn't believe this girl...
"What a turnaround, it isn't like you'll be able to sit plenty later."
"That doesn't matter. I'm more curious what some slightly younger old coot is doing in a place like this."

You gritted your teeth while trying to ignore her as you continued checking your phone.
"Come on!" She drawled out, touching your shoulders.
"I won't leave you alone unless I get some answers!"
Putting your phone back in your pocket, you slapped away her lounging hands.
"You're a real pain you know? I might as well call security!"
She let out a laugh.
"Bold to assume these guys have that kind of money, besides they would back off when they would see who it was!"
Oh great, some spoiled rich kid that her daddy dropped off to be your problem. This night was really going to be something.

You groaned as you looked at her more respectfully.
"Listen kid, if I answer your questions will you stop bothering me?"
The smirk was replaced with a smile.
"Sure! But stop calling me a kid!"
"What? You are one, no?"
She puffed her cheeks.
"I'm not! I'm 22, what made you even think that!"
You said in a bored tone. This made the girl only puff her cheeks up even more.
"I'm just a late bloomer! Besides you probably think everyone is a kid with how tall you are!"
"I'm not that tall..."
"You're probably so tall only because you are so old!"
You shot her a glare.
"For the last time I'm not old! I'm 24!"
The air in her cheeks blew out as her face was a mix of confusion and curiosity.
"Eh? How did you even get so tall then!"
You let out a sigh as you stopped giving her a glare.
"Again, I'm not that tall. You're just "a late bloomer". All I can say is eat your veggies."
She pretended to throw up as you said that last part, not something you would expect girls from her coming to do while you couldn't help but blow some air out of your nose.

"Anyways, don't you want to ask me some other question or are we done here?"
She stopped her play. "Oh yeah!"
"You still haven't answered my original question! What is a guy like you doing here?"
A part of you felt it was a bad idea to tell anything relating to the company and it's business. Then again you had a feeling this girl was barely a threat to it beyond your eardrums.
"Going to a magical show is considered business?"
You let out a huff as you stopped looking at her and instead the rest of the room.
"It's a part of it...but yes, you could put it like that."
"Huh! I didn't know it could be that fun to just have a normal job when you get to go places like this! Or do you work in a more special sector?"
You gave a glance when she said "special". What does she even mean with that? No matter...
"No this is just something different from what we usually do, which involves a lot of paperwork."
She remained silent for a while and you hoped that was it, sadly she was apparently just thinking what she was going to say next.

"Makes sense, it's just that you look like the kind of guy to have his own kid running around!"
You shot her a small glare. "is that supposed to be another comment about how I'm old or something?"
She rapidly waved her hands around.
"No, No! I've seen plenty of younger people compared to you who do already have kids!"
You closed your eyes, contemplating if you should mention him...well what could it hurt?
"I...actually do have a kid..."
She started laughing before trying to stop as you looked at her again.
"S-Sorry! It' just really fit the stereotype the more I learn about you!"
She explained in her fits. You let her laugh out as you felt a small blush grow on your face.
"Haaaah, so where is the little scamp?"
"Oh no, he's back home taken care by a baby sitter."
Her smile turned into a surprised frown.
"Huh? Couldn't you have taken him with you? Then this would be a great bonding experience for the two of you!"
You froze at that before slapping yourself awake.
"Trust me, as much as I toyed around with the idea of taking him tickets were already sold out before I could even purchase more." A light blush hit her face, you continued. "And my boss couldn't be bothered to provide more. Not that I can necessary blame him for that...besides the kid's young and I wouldn't want him to get tricked by these places."
The brows of the girl furrowed.
"Hey! What do you mean with "tricked by these places"!"
You could feel another argument bubbling up, and there was no way of getting out of this you were honest.

"Magic shows are always the same; cheap parlor tricks made to entertain easily impressed people. I don't even know why my boss sent me here in the first place. I doubt this show will be much."
She turned away from you, like you personally offended her.
"I can't help but wonder the same about your boss' choice..."
Sighing you kept your eyes on her back.
"Probably because of the one time he interacted with my parents they just had to mention how I used to love magic shows..."
She turned her head around the shoulder, curiosity across her face.
"...But eventually I just grew out of them, not to forget they never felt really special after that. But boss talked about how he would bet this would relight that supposed "lost spark", or whatever he was rambling on about now."
By this point you had stopped looking at the girl, emptily observing the many people around the room.

"...Did you have a favorite performer? Back when you still liked it?"
"Yeah...Shiny something, and I know for a fact it wasn't you miss Late Bloomer."
You flashed her a small smile which she mirrored, though hers was way wider.
"Ever heard of Shiny Chariot?" She asked, looking like she was about to explode of giddiness.
Like a light switched on you immediately completed the connection...and the wonderful memories you had watching her shows.
"Y-Yes, how could you-"

In a flash she was right in your face, sparkles in her eyes as she clasped your hands with hers.
"I'm a fan of Shiny Chariot too, She inspired me to become just like her!"
As you tried to get your bearing back together you couldn't help but notice the crowd that was noticing the noise you two were making, while the girl's hat was about to fall off.
Your words lost you only urged her to look at the ever growing crowd, like a flip she pulled her hat back in place and started dragging you out of your seat.
"H-Hey! What do you think you're doing!"
Despite her best effort she struggled hard once you planted yourself firmly.
"I just want us to talk privately, without all these f- ...stares."
You dejecting decided to follow her until you two eventually ended up outside, her closing the door while you zipped your jacket up.

"Are we even allowed here?" You asked as you observed the new area you found yourself in.
"Yes, yes, don't worry!" The girl said as she proceeded to make a few small jumps before facing you again.
"I just can't begin to express how cool it is to see a fellow veteran Shiny Chariot fan again! It almost seems like everyone forgets her these days!"
You only nodded as you took in her excitement.
"Yes...I suppose that does explain a lot."
"Her magic is truly something else, it's out of this world! Nothing like those actual cheap tricks but actual real tangible magic! Your boss is right about one thing; you are going to relight that spark! I will make sure of that!"

You couldn't help but feel endeared by the girl's promise, the perspective of a annoying girl turning into a excited one.
"I...appreciate that a lot."
Even in this weather your face still felt hot.
"Oh we got to keep in contact! There is just so much Shiny Chariot you must've missed if you forget it that fast. She's like...impossible to forget for me! Just have to hope your wife doesn't mind me stealing you away now and then! Anyways-"
Your completely froze up after thinking of her after that mention...

The girl that was just fangirling in front of you stopped as she looked at you concerned.
"Are you okay...?"
You sighed as you wiped your eyes, cold was really biting at it...
"Yes...well actually no, it's just...complicated..."
She guided you towards a bench, urging you to sit on it as she proceeded to sit next to you.
"You can tell me whatever's wrong!"
"Please, you don't want to hear..."
She made you face her, determination across her face.
"I want to hear."
You saw the mist leave your mouth as you sighed, taking a minute before finally deciding trust this random girl you've only known for an hour.
"My uh...wife left me...and ever since I've been doing my best taking care of my livelihood and child...and no she did not care for him, a cherry on top of the reasons we broke up...I'm still not quite over it."
As you admitted the tears were there they proceeded to slowly roll of your face, until the girl enveloped you into a hug.
"I'm so sorry to hear that...I'm here for you!"
You sank into the hug as she kept repeating words of comfort to you, ever since the divorce you never really talked about it with anyone...

As you both slowly stopped hugging each other you wiped your face one last time.
"Thank you...I...needed that more then I knew..."
She flashed you a smile, though you started to notice how she was shivering and decided to take of your jacket and wrap it around her.
"Take it as compensation..."
You had the heat of your face to warm you up anyways.
"Thank you, I hope you don't mind if Ill consider it more of a gift. I don't need payment."
You avoided her gaze as you kept looking at the floor.
"Can I have your phone now? So I can put in my contact?"
Finally facing her you noticed she had a deep blush on her face too, instinctively you gave her your phone which she immediately got to work on.
"You're a pretty respectable guy, especially after everything you've been through."
As she offered your phone back the moment you placed your hand over it she used her other to clasp yours.
"Just one last question before I stop distracting you...what is your name?"

Even in your silent stupor you still managed to crock out your name. And a little more.
"I wouldn't mind getting distracted more."
She flashed you a wide smile as she let go.
You both jumped a little as you spotted a man in a decent suit walking towards the two of you. Specifically the girl now known as "miss Kagari".
"We are going to be late! What were you doing?!"
Kagari fidgeted with her fingers as she avoided the look of the man, muttering half baked excuses you could barely understand.
"Just...forget it and get back inside."
She nodded as she passed by the way, giving you one last glance.
"Enjoy the show! Open your mind, Let's laugh together!"
You gave her a small wave as she skipped away, noting down to try and find where she would sit later.

"And you are?"
Said the man that interrupted your previous conversation.
"Oh I'm...uh..."
He impatiently stood there as you just decided to slip your company's papers for this. His glare immediately turned into glee as he inspected the papers.
"Oh my! Well why didn't you tell-or show so earlier! Please let me guide you to your seat!"
Your speech still broken you couldn't take back the offer to probably get seated in some fancy lonely seat, luckily it was just a front seat of the podium as the rest of the seats started getting filled in too. As the man left you alone you tried to find the Kagari girl, a bad feeling building up inside of you as you couldn't find her...eventually you just decided to give up and check your phone one last time before the show would start.

Atsuko "Akko" Kagari.

The name of the new number in your contacts.

Could it be?

"And now ladies and gentlemen, The show you've been waiting for. The Witch that has been taking the country and soon the world by storm! I present to you...!"

You haven't felt this excited since you used to watch Shiny Chariot back in the day, and now a new Shiny was here to fill a long lost place.

"Shiiiiiiny Akko!"

On cue magic started popping out around the stage, real magic! And then she appeared; dressed in a admittingly cute outfit.

Atsuko Kagari AKA Shiny Akko

Who flashed the audience and especially you a wide smile.

As the show began-though it might not have been as amazing as Shiny Chariot's, it made up in making you laugh more then you've ever had in your entire life.

You couldn't wait for the "business" meeting between the two of you after this, and hopefully those to come.

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