Amanda x Male Reader: I hope you like bad girls, because I'm bad at everything

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Summary: Amanda has had a crush on you for the longest time and has finally decided to confess...Amanda however is really bad at confessions.

Word Count: 3305


It was a relatively nice day on the grounds of Luna Nova, you were one of the few new male students allowed to enter the school as an experiment and despite the alienation and challenges you faced in a previous all-female school things were going better. You had garnered a nice group of friends who were known as quite the misfits-perfect for you, especially a girl with a spunky attitude known as Amanda O'Neil. 

She was one of your best if not the best friend you had on this school and the both of you have had done a lot of things together. Mostly involving either pranks or broom riding and tricks. Suffice it to say you preferred the broom as that got you the least amount of trouble. The death glares some teachers would give you for the slightest mishap could turn someone into stone, of course Amanda was there to reassure you things wouldn't go awry as long as she was around. (A claim she made too much)

Lately however Amanda has seemed distant to you. What was the time for a new prank Amanda thought of in the morning turned into awkward small talk. During class she would sit in complete other places then where she would normally be, confusing you, your mutual friends and her new seat buddies. With lunch and dinner she would be awfully quiet then normally and you would need to pry her constantly to get even a word out. It was all very strange and you were concerned something had happened to her, questioning her closest friends didn't help much either. Constanze would shrug while Jasminka would say there was nothing to worry about, before offering you a snack as she usually does.

So taking her advice as best as you could you decided to focus on your studies to distract yourself. You weren't terrible but you're weren't average either. Luckily the aristocratic Diana Cavendish, despite her "Holier than thou" mentality as Amanda would put it was kind enough to accept your call for help. Amanda would likely hate to see the two of you walking together in the hallway as she took the pleasure to show her disdain for the noble girl whenever she came into the room. You just hoped she wouldn't think the wrong thing if she did see you like this.

The hallway was almost silent as neither you and Diana were chummy enough with each other to strike up much of a conversation, Only the simple clacks of your shoes hitting against the floor emitting any kind of sound as you made your way to the library with the books you were already carrying. Suddenly however a flute like sound started to go off in the distance, becoming louder and louder as it came closer. You looked everywhere around you to see if you could find the source but it remained unknown. Diana seemed to not pay any attention to it, only giving occasional glances.

Finally it changed again as it started to sound like a tornado speeding right at you from behind, but as you turned around you were tackled by whatever this tornado really was before you could see what it is. Making you let go of your books as they flew into the air while your body scraped all the way past Diana until you were practically in front of the library door. As you tried to withstand the pain of getting hit hard with your back feeling like it's been burned you noticed a broom, modified with a strange engine like contraption attached to it with a familiar green sash at the end. Laying near your face, and then a well-known chuckle.

"Woah that was wild! Oh hi ceiling- wait."
Looking down without making your body hurt too much led to you coming face to face to a bush of orange and salmon hair just under your chin. It with the rest of the body on you turned around as Amanda now stared at your chest.
"No, still not right..."
She crawled up until your faces were right in front of you. You'd be blushing if you weren't focusing on the wounds that only got worse with Amanda's clawing over your body.
"So where was I...uh..."
The smirk she just had faded away as her eyes darted towards the walls.
"How about you stand up and explain yourself first?"

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