Princess Diana x Knight Male Reader: Her Spark: Part 1

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Fantasy AU

Summary: You are the brave knight send on your own volition to save the forlorn princess from the selfish dragon that is keeping her locked in, when you finally arrive and save her however it becomes apparent the princess has no interest in falling in love with a complete stranger. Which you don't necessarily mind as you just came to save her! But quickly things are revealed to be more complicated...

Word Count: 3549


Well this was most unfortunate, and smelled of deceit.
Sure, Diana should be screaming her head off and cry in her extravagant bed (despite being a prisoner) waiting for her knight in shining armor to come save her from the greedy dragon that kidnapped her in the morning.

You heard that right; morning, and not morning as in: the sun is rising. Morning as in: just when your done having breakfast, which wasn't the case for Diana considering she likes to take a little more time before having to deal with today's court backstabbing's.
But we are getting off track. Diana wasn't the kind of princess to act like the diva some wished she would be. She was supposed to be crowned queen in a few weeks for god's sake, so she knew to act appropriately.

Normally if a member of the royal family that ruled the damned country was taken away by something that refused to compromise the logical step would be to send in the army, no doubt weakened by the regent court's willing incompetence but still adequate enough to perform some kind of operation, but no. Not a smidge of relief beyond...the occasional ego-fueled independent knight.

It wasn't hard to see the commotion, her dragon was kind enough to lock her up in the highest tower...probably so he wouldn't need to hear her insulting his wasteful livelihood again back in the abandoned castle's king's hall where he originally kept her high up in the chandeliers.
Every time it would play out the same way-it didn't matter if her supposed hero would be handsome or ugly, they were all the same. Obnoxious personalities with some added spice of thinking she belongs to them just because they bothered to show up. And after their little speech that were always so similar it made even Diana worry they would all be promptly burned to a crisp. The one thing Diana could be grateful for to the dragon even if she wasn't a fan of murder.

But those men reminded her of a saying of her aunt, someone she detested to ever agree with: Men are pigs, best to use as the livestock they are and nothing more.
Although considering her aunt's more private business Diana would add behind her back more lecherous comments to the quote, more targeted towards her aunt then men. Earning the laughter of the more loyal elements in her soon to be kingdom.

But that made her worry again, it was clear that there were those who did not approve of her family's reign. And how would those under her fair without her keeping an eye? What kind of mess would she come back to if she'd even get out of here?
A house cleaning would have to happen after she came back, not just to purge the rot but also to rid herself of those who would go as far as trying to keep her locked away, they went too far now.

That's right. Diana knew this wasn't just a dragon that was interested in keeping her as a part of his treasure, one of two things Diana could note up on the chandelier was that the dragon loved to gaze at every single one of his treasures. Especially new ones and yet he barely paid attention to her. Another thing Diana saw was the new treasure the Dragon was holding-coins of her realm, and not just old ones, freshly minted ones-the kind with her deceased mother on it.

Now how could a dragon get such treasure of her realm? Attack? Well no, if there is one thing her kingdom has prized itself on it was warding of the greedy dragons of the north even during the time of the Great Revolution when her grandmother was but a wee lass. Not one coin has ever fallen into the hands of any dragon for ages, until now suddenly and the dragon didn't carry anything but her with him when he attacked.
All this, combined with the dragon's intelligence made it clear to Diana that he was bribed to kidnap her. And she had a good idea who it was-those she was so close to exposing, it would be a nice way to start her reign officially. Sadly it seemed her ego got the best of her and they were two steps ahead, for now...

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