Hannah x Male Reader: Can sour blood find Love?

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TW: Heavy angst

Summary: What would you do when one of the new guys in school is somewhat dateable only for him to be related to the most disgraceful person you've ever met? For Hannah it means a lot of panic and repression. Which can't stay forever...

Word Count: 4099


"This is an outrage!"
Hannah yelled as she looked upon the crowds of new students with her friends.
"Yeah! Just as we were out of the previous crisis we now have to deal with...this!"
Her friend Barbara concurred as she stretched out her arms over the view.
"What is, exactly?"
Normally anyone who would ask the two that question would get called an idiot for not looking in front of them, this person however was Diana who the two were steadfast on never really getting into bad water with. She was after all the school's golden child and their good friend.

"These boys! We get to hear magic is back on the rise and then suddenly we get hit that the school now accepts male students!"
"Suddenly? If I do remember correctly this was told to us months ago. Not to forget the construction of a new wing for the school thanks towards the increase of funds."
The glare Hannah had on her remained affixed, so furious some of the arriving male students could feel someone wanted to kill them and quickly scurried of towards a more isolated area.
"I couldn't believe it then and I can't believe it now, I mean what is our school coming to?"

A nod was given by Barbara.
"Who knows how bad at magic they'll even be. I don't care how much of a supposed "first Warlock generation" they are, it means nothing when they drag the school's reputation through the mud."
Both shuddered.
"Oh no...it'll be an Akko case all over again, except tenfold...not to forget who knows how much of a bunch of creeps they will be!"
Barbara said as she covered her chest. A scared look on her while she looked at the mass of males.
"I swear, if I even see one boy doing something perverse I'll throw them out faster then Akko fails at broom riding!"

In-between the girls promises and fears Diana let out a attention seeking cough.
"I think you'll be pleased to hear the faculty is keeping a close eye on things like that and are pleased to hear themselves that some students wish to protect the others even without being asked."
A triumphant smirk arrived on Hannah's face, happy to hear praise from a friend so cultured and smart as Diana...until she continued.

"Also, I would like it if you were to show some respect towards miss Kagari. I know you don't have the best of relations but she did cause the revival of magic. Not to forget she is improving, she's actually flying more and more every day."
Barbara raised her eyebrows.
"Really! I got to see that sometime...but hey it wasn't just her that caused the revival! You were there too! ...and the others..."
"I wouldn't want to discount the effort of anyone who chipped in their effort. In fact we all did it together when things got harsh. But Akko did some more lifting then others."

Hannah looked away from her conversing friends. Muttering to herself.
"Maybe the revival wasn't good if it would lead to this...we were doing just fi-!"
"Excuse me?"
As she looked up Hannah saw you, the person who broke her incoming next rant.
"You look like you come from here, do you know the way to the male dorms? I've been wanting to unpack early thanks to all the luggage I've taken with me."
And suddenly she had lost her voice. Why couldn't she use her voice to tell some boy to bugger off?

"...Is everything alright? You are from here right? Because if I confused you then I'm deeply sorry, it's just-"
"What's going on here?"
Her friends had noticed Hannah's absence in the conversation and approached the two of you.
"Oh I was just wondering if I could ask where I can find the male dorms, I'm a new student here and wanted to get my stuff done first."
"An attitude I can appreciate. First let me welcome you to Luna Nova."

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